Batman #106 is published by DC Comics, written by James Tynion IV and Joshua Williamson, art by Jorge Jiménez and Gleb Melnikov, colors by Tomeu Morey, with letters by Clayton Cowles and Troy Peteri. Following the Joker Toxin attack at Arkham, all of Gotham is on edge. Now, a new gang calling themselves the Unsanity Collective is going on a crime spree as they target some of Gotham’s richest and most influential personalities. Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, a mother and son are reunited.
As the DC Universe moves on from Future State, there are some interesting creative situations ahead for some books. And Batman is one of them. With the various Future State Batman titles taking place so close to the modern day, it was obvious that DC intended to bring the main continuity toward those events . Batman #106 sees some of the first steps toward that future taken.
Gotham would be in a rough state still just due to the after-effects of the recent Joker War, let alone the newer problems that have sprung up in the time since. And as Batman struggles to keep the various threats in check, a new player has stepped onto the scene to offer the people of Gotham some peace of mind. His name is Simon Saint, and he wants to gift Gotham with The Magistrate Program.
The appearance of Future State’s big bad for Gotham in Batman #106 surprised me. I figured there would be a little time before it showed up. But it’s here. And with readers already knowing much of where the story is going, it’ll be interesting to see what twists and turns writer Tynion has up his sleeve to keep the story interesting, even with much of its future already known. So far, I have to say he’s off to a great start.
The only place where the writing struggles for me is in how chummy Batman and Ghost-Maker are here. Just as the change of heart from Bruce’s rival felt a bit unearned when it happened in the last issue, their renewed camaraderie feels too smoothly gained. Given their years of differing opinions on something as critical to both of them as their approach to saving the world, you’d expect more lingering tension between the two.
The art brings all the shadows and danger facing Gotham into stark clarity. From the books opening chase scene with the Unsanity Collective to some amazing character designs for an old favorite of Batman’s rogues gallery, the story’s look and design are spot on.
The art in the main story of Batman #106 is strengthened further by Morey’s gorgeous colorwork. I especially love how vibrant the lighting is in many of the panels here. From the neon-lit streets of Gotham to Oracle being illuminated by her many computer monitors,, this story’s lighting is amazing.
The last several pages of Batman #106 take readers to far away Markovia, where Talia Al Ghul receives a visit from her long-separated son Damian. The reunion doesn’t go quite as Damian seems to have envisioned it, and that’s before the assassins show up.
Taking place on a moonlit night, this secondary story’s mood is beautifully complemented by both Melnikov”s line work as well as his colors. I also appreciate the artist’s design for Damian’s costume. The look of Damian’s self-designed attire screams of a young teenager trying too hard to look imposing.
Finally, we have the lettering. The letters throughout this book deliver each story with clarity and skill. This allows the reader to simply enjoy the book without any confusing dialogue placements to sort out.
When all is said and done, Batman #106 delivers a pair of intriguing beginnings for its dual narratives. How Saint will worm his Magistrates onto Gotham’s streets is a story I look forward to seeing unfold.
Batman #106 Is available now wherever comics are sold.
Batman #106
When all is said and done, Batman #106 delivers a pair of intriguing beginnings for its dual narratives. How Saint will worm his Magistrates onto Gotham’s streets is a story I look forward to seeing unfold.