The thing I noticed about this issue is that it moves fairly quickly-which can be a pro and a con. On the one hand, no pages are wasted in Felicia’s quest to liberate Strange. On the other hand, there are a few times where I wished the action would slow down to breathe a little. Granted, Felicia and the crew have to deal with an eldritch deity who seeks to destroy all of humankind, but my point still stands.
What helps keeps the reader hooked is McKay’s snappy script and Villa’s dynamic artwork. McKay gives Felicia some razor-sharp one-liners, both in narration as well as dialogue. She knows she is utterly outnumbered but still goes through with her plan. “If I die, at least it’ll be how I lived. Outrageously,” she says, which honestly isn’t a bad way to go. Felicia’s crew, which includes the muscle-bound Bruno and mad genius Dr. Korpse, also provide perfect foils to Felicia. And having loved Bats since his appearance in Donny Cates and Gabriel Hernandez Walta’s Doctor Strange, it’s a treat to see him in this issue.
Villa draws the crazy action sequences one would expect from a heist film that happens to take place in a superhero universe. Several vehicles from the Spider-Man mythos, including the Green Goblin’s glider and the Spider-Mobile, are perfectly replicated under his pencil. The latter vehicle also serves as the basis for an intense car chase, suffering a hefty bit of damage along the way. Villa also gives Felicia a new costume based on the Anti-Venom design-which takes on even more significance when you realize that it’s the literal inverse of her traditional costume.
Black, white and red are the primary colors Reber uses in the issue. The symbiote sphere that Strange is enveloped in is a living prison of shadow, pulling in all light from the outside. Felicia’s new Anti-Venom costume is pure white, with black accents and a new symbol. And the crimson skies continue to provide ominous backdrops to the events going on in the issue. The sole exception is Bats; Reber colors him a very pale green, which makes him appear translucent. In other words, he looks like an actual ghost-which is amazing.
Black Cat #2 is a white knuckle thrill ride that feels like a heist film set inside of a superhero universe, with its witty dialogue and dynamic art adding a unique flair to the proceedings. Given the ending of the issue, which I honestly never saw coming, it looks like Felicia may be able to actually turn the tide against Knull.
Black Cat #2 is available now wherever comics are sold.
Black Cat #2
Black Cat #2 is a white knuckle thrill ride that feels like a heist film set inside of a superhero universe, with its witty dialogue and dynamic art adding a unique flair to the proceedings. Given the ending of the issue, which I honestly never saw coming, it looks like Felicia may be able to actually turn the tide against Knull.