Warhammer 40K: Marneus Calgar #2 is published by Marvel Comics, written by Kieron Gillen, art by Jacen Burrows, colors by Java Tartaglia, and letters by Clayton Cowles. Having repelled the heretic attack, Calgar is given the opportunity to take stock of the situation, and plan for the next enemy incursion. A base of operations will be needed for a strong command position to lead this new campaign from. And it just so happens that Calgar knows a place nearby that would serve admirably.
This issue opens as the last reminders of the surprise attack from the last issue are mopped up. As Calgar looks over the battlefield his concerns over the situation grow. How could heretics pierce their defenses so deeply? One conclusion is stubbornly arrived at. They cannot be the only ones.
From here, Warhammer 40K: Marneus Calgar #2 jumps to Thilium’s orbiting moon, where an Adeptus Mechanicus servitor has been taken prisoner by a force of Chaos Space Marines. The very enemy Calgar suspects are nearby. The chaos spawned villains are preparing an attack. An attack they believe will herald the end of The Long War.
Anyone not possessing a deep knowledge of Warhammer 40K lore might be scratching their heads at the term “The Long War”. Fear not! Gillen and company have you covered. Just as the last issue made time for briefings on the planet the story takes place on, this issue spares a page for a brief history of the Imperium of Man’s long war with the forces of Chaos.
The remainder of Warhammer 40K: Marneus Calgar #2 follows Calgar’s memories of his early days preparing to become a space marine. This portion of the story did not go as I expected at all. Gillen has always been willing to surprise an audience, I learned that a while ago while reading Wicked + Divine, and a surprise has been prepared for readers here as well.
Just as with the last issue, the art here does a great job of capturing the aesthetic that the universe of Warhammer 40K is so well known for. The brutality, hardship, and enduring strength of those who continually resist the former two is captured marvelously here. This, coupled with continuing attention to detail where character design is concerned combines for a fantastic performance on the part of artist Burrows.
The color also continues to do a solid job of bringing the 40K universe to life. Key moments in the story are greatly aided by the colors enhancement of the moment’s tones. Pain, shock, struggle, and rage are all expressed throughout this book. And all are made more impactful with the colors used to help portray them.
Finally, we have Cowles’ letter work wrapping up the visual presentation. The work here with the letters is a solid delivery of the book’s story. It is clear and easy to follow, as all lettering should be.
When all is said and done Warhammer 40K: Marneus Calgar #2 delivers even more than I’d hoped for. It pushes its narrative forward while delivering a twist I never saw coming. My anticipation for what comes next with this title continues to grow.
Warhammer 40K: Marneus Calgar #2 is available now wherever comics are sold.
Warhammer 40K: Marneus Calgar #2
When all is said and done Warhammer 40K: Marneus Calgar #2 delivers even more than I’d hoped for. It pushes its narrative forward while delivering a twist I never saw coming. My anticipation for what comes next with this title continues to grow.