Strange Academy #5Â is published by Marvel Comics, written by Skottie Young, art by Humberto Ramos, colors by Edgar Delgado, and letters by Clayton Cowles. With Calvin having become separated from the others during their game of door tag, the faculty and students of Strange Academy have begun to worry. Especially when his jacket washes up out of the swamp short one budding magic-user.
Prophecy is one of those concepts that always struggles in comic books. We’ve all seen so many dark omens and portents of ruin that are told in these stories, and they always come to naught. It is one of those inherent problems to the ongoing style of storytelling comics adhere to. After all, how would you tell more stories if the world actually does end and all the heroes are slain? Nonetheless, what would be a series with young, potentially powerful magic wielders if at least one of them didn’t get tied up in a foreboding prophecy. And when one of them is even the son of dreaded Dormammu, well…
Before Strange Academy #5 gets to its core story we are taken back to New Orleans as Brother Voodoo pays a visit to Ms. Hazel, the fortune teller from issue three. It seems that ever since she showed Doyle his future she has been plagued by dark visions involving Doyle and his father.  Voodoo promises to look into the situation, as well as send someone from the academy to see about untangling M.s Hazel from Doyle’s possible future.
From here, Strange Academy #5 continues to follow Voodoo back to his office where he meets Dr. Strange for a conference about the current goings-on. Between Calvin’s disappearance and this prophecy forming around Doyle Voodoo is properly concerned. Strange, however, has different concerns than Voodoo. The handling of Strange in this scene is my only real complaint with Strange Academy #5. While I’ve always read Strange as supremely confident, he’s never come across as arrogant or condescending. Here though, he’s giving Tony Stark a run for his money.
From the confrontation between the two masters of magic, we jump to some of the students spending some time out by the swamp. Some study and some play is occurring here, as would befit a normal day for teenagers. We are also treated to a bit of exploration into Germán’s backstory and abilities. This is all cut short however when Calvin’s jacket comes floating out of the swamp, sending the kids into panic mode as they desperately seek help to aid their friend.
The art for Strange Academy #5 continues to deliver the perfect presentation for its story. The combination of Ramos’ art delivering on every emotional moment within the book, and Delgado’s colors making the magic effects truly pop off the page makes this story a visual spectacle. The final piece of this book’s delivery is Cowles’ excellent lettering work. Cowles delivers just the right amount of emphasis in the text, and variance in fonts, to help push the magic and emotion of the book into the lettering itself.
So to sum it up, I really enjoyed Strange Academy #5. It has lots of heart and adventure as the kids set out to find their missing peers. I look forward to seeing if they are able to succeed in their endeavor.
Strange Academy #5Â Is available November 11th wherever comics are sold.
‘Strange Academy,’ Issue #5
So to sum it up, I really enjoyed Strange Academy #5. It has lots of heart and adventure as the kids set out to find their missing peers. I look forward to seeing if they are able to succeed in their endeavor.