Netflix and Powerhouse Animation’s Blood of Zeus has become a quick fan favorite and critically acclaimed animated series in the short time since its debut on October 27th. Set in a post-mythological age, and telling a story lost through the Greek oral storytelling tradition, Blood of Zeus seems like a story we’ve seen before on the surface. Heron, our demi-god hero, is the bastard child of Zeus and Hera is mad about it. But, there is much more to this story than a wife’s revenge or Zeus’ infidelity. At its core, the series offers a nuanced take on anger and how it relates to power. Additionally, we see a more vulnerable and fatherly Zeus and a more independent and powerful Hera. And, we have showrunners Charley and Vlas Parlapanides to thank for that.
I got the chance to speak to the creative brothers about their work on the series, how it began, and where it will go should Netflix greenlight another season. Over the course of the interview, the Parlapanides brothers dove deep into their inspiration, their heritage, and how they told the story with their mother and grandmother’s oral storytelling in mind. Additionally, they explained the importance of telling a story that anyone could see themselves in. Hearing the two speak about their personal connection to Blood of Zeus was an inspiring layer to the story that added context to why the gods we see in the series are both familiar and new, namely Hera and Zeus.
During the interview, Charley and Vlas Parlapanides take the time to explain their decisions behind showcasing Hera as a queen in her right and without the traditional trope of the scorned woman restricting her development. Additionally, they explained the importance of showcasing Zeus as a father and not just an adulterous king. But perhaps the most important element that the two explain is the deliberate choice to situate the gods in a post-mythological space. What does this mean? Well, it means the myths we know have already completed. The best example is through the character of Hermes. They explain that Hermes’ growth is from trickster to dutiful son, and in Blood of Zeus, he’s already completed his transition.
This interview offers a chance for listeners to jump into Blood of Zeus by understanding the passion and love that Charley and Vlas Parlapanides have for the series and how, at its core, it showcases the continuing trend of adult animation showcasing its value.
Hit play on the audio below to hear the interview in full. To stay up to date on Blood of Zeus, follow the series on Twitter and Instagram at @bloodofzeus.