Jujutsu Kaisen is a horror-action anime produced by MAPPA. With Itadori having switched with Sukuna, being confident he could switch back, it seems he’s underestimated the curse inside him. Now, with Sukuna able to run free Fushiguro is the only one who can stand in his way. But if he tries to stop the special grade curse, can he survive the experience? Let’s jump in to see what happens in Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 5!
Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 5 takes the story in a direction I wasn’t expecting. Fushiguro’s battle with Sukuna is well designed and works well to reinforce just how powerful Sukuna is. While all this is true, it’s how the fight concludes that throws a monkey wrench in the story. I won’t spoil, but it’s significant. Though not as significant as it’s first sold as, but it still provides an interesting twist.
While the ramifications of the ending look to be game-changing, the way the fight wraps is a little underwhelming. I can see what the story is going for in the moment, but it just doesn’t manage to land for me. This could largely be due to the fact that we are only on episode five, and the connection I need with these characters for impactful moments to really land just hasn’t had the time to develop yet.
Aside from the big opening battle, the other noteworthy aspect of this episode is the introduction of some of the second-year students at Jujutsu Tech. These include the panda bear, who turns out is named Panda, who appears in the show’s opening. I hope some explanation of why Panda can talk and do Jujutsu is forthcoming.
I was also pleased to see one of my complaints about the last episode being addressed here. When Gojou returns in the aftermath of the battle between Fushiguro and Sukuna, he comments on how unnecessary sending the first-year students into the lair of a special grade was. I’m happy this is acknowledged, as it really bugged me. With Gojou’s mussing about it I wonder if there is a problem with the higher-ups that will require looking into.
The visuals for Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 5 are all up to the excellent degree I would expect. The battle is entertaining to watch, especially as Sukuna’s insurmountable advantages over Fushiguro are well presented. The confidence on display in the minimalistic way Sukuna avoids Fushiguro’s attacks delivers the character’s power level nicely.
The visual design is also on display during a brief interlude where we see an apparent meeting between a human and several curses. The creature’s design during this sequence is so cool. Everything the show creates is simultaneously unique, and cohesive. Allowing all the creature to stand out, but not in any way that feeling jarring, or unfitting for the universe.
When all is said and done Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 5 delivers a well-rounded story. A cool fight scene, some good world-building, and smoothing over some of my earlier complaints are all here. There isn’t a whole lot more you could ask for from the fifth episode in a series.
Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 5 is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 5
When all is said and done Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 5 delivers a well rounded story. A cool fight scene, some good world building, and smoothing over of some of my earlier complaints are all here. There isn’t a whole lot more you could ask for from the fifth episode in a series.