At three episodes in, Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai seems to be completely reliant on fans of the original series. It isn’t that it is hard to follow, but the show is so paint-by-the-numbers at this point that it is unlikely to attract many new fans. Dragon Quest Episode 3 is a training arc without much spice. Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai from Toei Animation, is a remake of the 90’s anime adaptation of the manga series of the same name.
Right at the start of the episode, the monsters Dai has grown up with are suddenly fighting The Dark Lord’s control once again. Just as Brass is urging Dai to flee the island for his safety, two figures show up. Avan, a trainer of heroes, and his apprentice, Popp. Avan protects the island from the powers of The Dark Lord, and offers to help train Dai with a super difficult training speed-run. It turns out, Hadlar has returned, and Princess Leona and the royal family are in danger unless Dai can become a hero to protect them.
That is pretty much all that happens this episode. There are small details to be had in Dai’s training. Avan is enjoyably comic, and doesn’t match the power he holds at all in a way that will make viewers want to know more about him. Popp isn’t seen too much of, but Avan gives a bit of insight into his character and how Dai will likely bring out the best in him.
Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai Episode 3 isn’t bad, it is just boring. Judging by the comments, the new anime seems to be following the manga pretty strictly. This means the show is fantastic nostalgia, but unfortunately lacking a bit of heart to keep new viewers coming back for more. Dai is incredibly one-note shonen protagonist. He wants to be a hero, and help protect Princess Leona from The Dark Lord. This is all great, but there isn’t much emotional weight. Even when Dai is training, the montage goes by so fast that viewers don’t see much struggle on his end. His eagerness and tenacity make everything pass by like a whirlwind, but without that struggle, he isn’t connecting with any of the other characters.
At this point, you can count on great 2D animation, with a little CGI here and there, from Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai. Bright colors abound, and look great when flashy spells are used by the mages. Special shoutout to the scenic design of the beach. The water looks so beautiful when Dai falls and splashes in it.
At the end of the day, Dragon Quest Episode 3 will give viewers the nostalgia of Saturday morning cartoons, and lots of entertainment for young ones. However, the by-the-books training arc episode lacks an emotional heart. The show isn’t bad, it is just pretty and there. Unfortunately, that isn’t enough to compete with other shonen titles out there.
Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai is streaming now on Crunchyroll and Hulu.
Dragon Quest Episode 3
At the end of the day, Dragon Quest Episode 3 will give viewers the nostalgia of Saturday morning cartoons, and lots of entertainment for young ones. However, the by-the-books training arc episode lacks an emotional heart. The show isn’t bad, it is just pretty and there. Unfortunately, that isn’t enough to compete with other shonen titles out there.