Ubisoft announced that Anno 1800, the latest installment in the successful city-building and strategic franchise, is releasing its sixth DLC: “Land of Lions,” included in the Season Pass 2, on Windows PC. If you aren’t familiar with this latest DLC, it invites players to the region of Enbesa and is Anno 1800’s largest content release. In “Land of Lions,” players will experience a wide range of new content, including residential tiers, buildings, gameplay mechanics, and more.
“Land of Lions” brings an all-new dimension to the world of Anno 1800, with the Eastern-African-inspired Enbesa. This region brings with it Arid weather conditions bring an entirely new element to the gameplay, the Irrigation system, that will help players tame the unforgiving landscape of Enbesa, alongside the new Research Center that will encourage players to search and craft technologies and items or to make Major Discoveries to help them accomplish their goals. Players will be able to enjoy more than 10 hours of story content, entering the service of Ketema, the Emperor of Enbesa who will task the player with building his new capital city, fending off foreign influence over his nation, and learning more about Enbesa’s rich culture and history.
“Land of Lions” brings new gameplay mechanics, Irrigation and Research Center, 2 new citizen tiers in Enbesa, 1 new citizen tier in the Old World, new production chains such as Hibiscus tea and telephones, 90 new buildings, 3 quests islands, 134 new items and much more. This DLC is sure to offer more challenges.
In addition to the Land of Lions DLC, Anno 1800 will also receive the free-for-all Game Update 9 which is all about improving player‘s quality of life, giving them more relevant information, and saving them many clicks along the way. Game Update 9 includes improvements often requested in the Anno Union, such as selecting a destination harbor for ships traveling between sessions, improving trade route menu functionalities, and updates to the statistics overview and the newspaper system.
The Season Pass 2 includes three DLCs: “Seat of Power,” “Bright Harvest,” and “Land of Lions.” In addition, regular updates are bringing new free content available for all players.
Anno 1800 is available digitally on the Ubisoft Store and the Epic Games store for Windows PC. Land of Lions can be purchased as part of the Anno 1800 Season Pass 2 for $24.99 USD or individually for $17.99 USD and is downloadable for players who already own the Season Pass 2.