Fire Force Episode 7 is a shonen anime produced by David Production. The expedition has landed! Touching down on the Chinese Peninsula the Fire Force must now begin their investigation in the Great Cataclysm that forever altered the world over 200 years ago. What they will discover may change their world in ways they never expected.
History can be a fickle thing. When growing up, everyone learns history. But so much of the history you learn depends on who is doing the teaching. Certain groups and events can be given the central focus of a narrative and the student may never know that this framing is inaccurate. At least, not until they are faced with evidence that would indicate the contrary. Needless to say, such moments leave those that have been misinformed confused, and lost. What is the truth? Can we ever really know?
Having arrived in a new land, many of the young Fire Force members are overjoyed to have such a unique experience. With their homeland heavily isolated, it isn’t every day they get to see a completely new sight. And this world is indeed very different from the setting we’ve grown used to.
As the team departs the coastal city for the spatial rift they come across a sprawling area of desolation. This desolate land emits a gas that effects the human mind. Basically, most of the team spend the bulk of Fire Force Episode 7 stoned. This leads to variety of different reactions that lend a fun humor to the trek the team takes. Though the fun doesn’t last long for our heroes as they soon run afoul of a talking mole and a giant sand worm.
The hapless mole is being chased by the worm, who in turn decides to chase down our heroes. This leads to Fire Force Episode 7 big action moment as Shinra and Ogun must distract the worm in order to allow the truck to escape.
This is the first time we’ve gotten to see newest Fire Force member show off his tricks. With a flame propelled hoverboard to ride and fiery javelins he can summon I am definitely looking forward to seeing him in future battle sequences.
Once the team manages to give the titanic predator the slip they have a moment to try to understand how a mole can talk. They find out that many animals who once dwelled in a certain oasis can talk. This is confirmed to them when they further encounter a passing by crow that Engages with them vocally.
It turns out bandits have driven these creatures from their oasis and they need help to be able to return. Since the oasis lies in the direction they are going, the animals offer to guide the group to their destination. What they find when they arrive is a surprise I won’t spoil, but it will call into question a lot the group believes it knows about its world.
The animation in Fire Force Episode 7 continues to show off the quality has been an ever-present aspect of the brilliance of the show. The only aspect of the visuals that fell a little flat for me was the design of the giant worm. While there was nothing wrong with it per se, it lacked the originality so much of the rest of the show has reveled in. Instead, it is just a ginormous segmented worm. A little blasé.
With a great blend of action, humor, and world-building Fire Force Episode 7 delivers a great story. With the promise of more revelations to come, I cannot wait to see what next episode brings to the table.
Fire Force Season 2 Episode 7 is streaming now.
Fire Force Season 2 Episode 7
With a great blend of action, humor, and world-building Fire Force Episode 7 delivers a great story. With the promise of more revelations to come, I cannot wait to see what next episode brings to the table.