Dead Dudes is published by Oni Press, written by Christopher Sebela, illustrated by Ben Sears, colored by Ryan Hill and Warren Wucinich, and lettering by Crank!. Three Ghost Hunters, Trev, Kent, and Brian, also known as “Ghost Bros,” are at the end of their ropes with their show and desperately need something awesome to happen. With a reckless idea developed by Trev to get them back in the spotlight, they decide to go where no man has dared to go. However, when they get there, things take a turn for the worse and now they’ve got to figure out how to regain their fame. But will they be successful?
The dialogue in Dead Dudes is definitely on a more personal level. The characters Trev, Kent, and Brian talk to each other like they are brothers more so than coworkers. The dialogue flows very well and the usage of “BLEEP” when they curse is hilarious but leaves your imagination to fill in what curse they would possibly be saying. There are some cheesy and even meme-able moments in the story, but it works very well in this issue.
Trev, Kent, and Brian have a very believable aspect about them. This is cool because when you think of Ghost Hunters, you think of quirky people who have this penchant for the supernatural and obsess over it. These guys fill those shoes amazingly well. I can relate to each of the main characters because they each bring something unique to the table that the others may lack or don’t possess at all. Trev is ballsy and wants to be the greatest Ghost Hunter ever while Kent wants to be recognized for his talent, and Brian just wants to be respected. Their motive to be the best is commendable, though I have to say it’s flat out reckless. But, then again, “no risk, no reward.”
Christopher Sebela does an amazing job with the writing here even though Dead Dudes does take a while to build up and start to get good. But, once the story gets its ghastly hands on you, it’s hard to pull away. The story is enjoyable and gives you some insight into what might be going on in the minds of real Ghost Hunters.
Dead Dudes does give a unique perspective to the afterlife. We don’t really know what happens to us after we die, but after reading this issue, I kind of wouldn’t mind ending up like them. Getting to wander around, learn cool tricks, and try to communicate with the living.
Ben Sears truly outdid himself on this issue of Dead Dudes. I get glimpses of Super Jail and Regular Show with the art style, and I personally love both of those shows. The coloring done by Ryan Hill and Warren Wucinich is phenomenal. As you go through the pages, you see the vibrancy of the colors even with it’s subtly washed-out tones.
As for the lettering from the legendary Crank!, the spacing, the size, the usage of red for cursing, are all done masterfully. Dead Dudes is an easy to follow read and doesn’t take itself too seriously, making it an enjoyable read.
Overall, I would have to say Dead Dudes was a lot of fun to read. It has its serious moments, comedic moments, and even it’s what-just-happened moments. Dead Dudes is surely to entertain those who like ghosts, humor, and even some campy moments. All in all, I enjoyed this issue, and I wish the chapters were their own issues.
You can pick up Dead Dudes on September 16th.
Dead Dudes
Overall, I would have to say Dead Dudes was a lot of fun to read… Dead Dudes is surely to entertain those who like ghosts, humor, and even some campy moments.