Transformers Galaxies #7 brings with it a new arc to this anthology series along with a new creative team. Published by IDW Publishing, written by Sam Maggs, with art by Beth McGuire-Smith, colors by Josh Burcham, and letters by Jake M. Wood, this issue introduces us to a young Transformer, Gauge, in part one of “Gauging the Truth.”
The story puts us in the shoes of Gauge, a young Reversionist, a faction of Cybertronians that believe that Cybertron was once Primus himself, and so every Cybertronian is, in a small way, part of Primus. Gauge is on a Reversionist ship that left Cybertron cycles ago and knows, for a fact, that she was forged on the planet. However, she can only remember her life on the ship and the teachings of the Reversionists. She knows no other life but yet seems dissatisfied. After decoding a mysterious message, her whole concept of the truth is shattered.
If you’re currently caught up on the other ongoing series from IDW, Transformers, you’ll likely know exactly what’s going on. But, to avoid spoilers if you haven’t, I’ll say that Gauge is a focal point in one of the issues and it’s revealed why she leaves Cybertron along with the fact that she is currently the youngest Transformer in existence.
It’s definitely not a requirement to read the other series first. If you don’t, Transformers Galaxies #7 dips into a bit of a mystery case, where Gauge knows something is off, but it isn’t until she gets sent an encoded message does she really begin to question existence on the Reversionist ship. However, if you have, your knowledge about what’s going on won’t necessarily do you a disservice; it didn’t for me. The dramatic irony adds a flavor of anticipation to the issue and lets you really focus on Gauge’s inner monologue as she struggles to find the truth. So although you’ll likely guess the big reveal on the last page, the build-up to it is still wonderful.
Personally, I enjoy this issue because of the inclusion of the Reversionists. The Transformers canon has so many different factions beyond just the two that many people are familiar with: Autobot and Decepticon. So to not only include another faction in the new reboot, but also a pious faction, is a breath of fresh air. The Reversionists play a role in the plot of IDW’s Transformers 2019 series, but Transformers Galaxies #7 gives us a bit more of an inside look on this faction.
The story and plot are pushed through by Gauge’s inner monologue rather than through action alone. This choice is honestly a good one for this issue. The sense that something isn’t quite right comes through Gauge’s thought processes seamlessly, along with the struggle she has between her piousness and her desire for the truth. There is obviously a lot of turmoil going on in the mind of someone so young. But the way Maggs writes Gauge’s thoughts really captures this turmoil and encapsulates the confusion and yearning for the truth.
This inner turmoil that develops in Gauge is only enhanced by the art and colors. McGuire-Smith has a wonderful hand when it comes to drawing Transformers. The characters are very emotive and follow what’s being said or thought on each panel. The colors by Burcham not only place Gauge on a ship in space through the heavy use of muted blues and purples but also create suspense and shock through sharp contrast and deep shadows. Burcham’s lettering is always crisp and well-placed. Gauge’s inner monologue is easily recognizable from audible speech and the speech bubbles don’t crowd or over-complicate the panels.
Overall, Transformers Galaxies #7 is beautifully crafted from Gauge’s inner monologue to the depiction of the Reversionist ship and all the Transformers within. If you are at all familiar with the Transformers 2019 series, the last panel is likely no big surprise. However, the dramatic irony makes this a worth-while read.
Transformers Galaxies #7 is available now wherever comic books are sold.
Transformers Galaxies #7
If you are at all familiar with the Transformers 2019 series, the last panel is likely no big surprise. However, the dramatic irony makes this a worth-while read.