Beastars, the hit Netflix Original Anime that aimed to turn every weeb into a furry, adapted chapters 1-50 of the manga of the same name from mangaka Paru Itagaki. This means Beastars Volume 7 is a great time to jump into reading the source material if you’re looking for more of everyone’s favorite grey wolf Legoshi. While Volume 7 begins at chapter 53, it also features the last scene the anime which makes it a perfect entry point for anime fans.
If you’re unfamiliar with the Beastars, which is published in tankōbon form in English by VIZ Media, the series is centered on a society of anthropomorphized animals with carnivores and herbivores existing together but with tension given their dietary needs. A little bit of action and a little bit of high school romance, the series is focused on Legoshi, a grey wolf and student at the prestigious Cherryton Academy, and his relationships with both the other predators and prey.
Last volume, the most likely candidate for the title of Beastar a hero destined to lead in a society naturally rife with mistrust who is chosen by the Council of Living Beings, Louis, withdrew from school and renounced his title. Having killed the leader of the gang of lions known as the Shishi-Gumi that kidnapped Haru, his former lover, and Legosi’s current girlfriend, he has assumed the position as head of the Lion gang and has seemingly finally earned the respect he’s been looking for.
In the wake of everything, The Council of Living Beings is changing the criteria for Cherryton Academy’s next Beastar which leads grey wolf Juno to try and convince Louis to return to school and take the title. When the two meet, we get more information on Louis’ identity as the boss of the Shishi-Gumi but also about the strength he’s finding in his new role. Additionally, Itagaki takes us into the Black Market and we get to see Louis applying his power in a situation and earning the respect and fealty of the Lions in his charge. But, even in his power, the red dear still feels incredibly vulnerable.
Along with Louis’ story, we also get to see Legoshi’s relationship with Haru shift, but it isn’t the most important part of the story this volume. The last half of Beastars Volume 7 hits action quickly and the mystery around Tem’s murder intensifies as Legoshi begins to question his fellow predator classmates, culminating in a dangerous fight with an unseen carnivore. While we get to see Legoshi fight back in Beastars Volume 7 we also get to see his softer sides, his thoughtful side, and his loving one as his friends poke fun at his virginity despite spending the night with Haru. His ferocity in the back half of the volume pushes against the sweetness he displays in the first half.
In addition to a great story, Itagaki’s art in Beastars Volume 7 is phenomenal. While their style is very different than what’s translated to the anime by Studio Orange, Itagaki beautifully illustrates action sequences but what has captivated fans of the manga and the anime is the detailed physicality of their characters. Louis is always attractive, powerful as the only prey in a room full of predators, carrying himself tall. Conversely, Legoshi is timid, his body highlighted in moments of romance or in moments of helplessness. The juxtaposition of both character’s nature against how they are illustrated is one of the most compelling elements of the manga.
Truthfully, I can’t recommend Beastars Volume 7 enough. This is the perfect volume for fans of the anime to jump right in and, on top of that, it offers up a thoughtful and dynamic push in the story through Louis and Legoshi.
Beastars Volume 7 will be available from booksellers on July 21, 2020.
Beastars Volume 7
Truthfully, I can’t recommend Beastars Volume 7 enough. This is the perfect volume for fans of the anime to jump right in and, on top of that, it offers up a thoughtful and dynamic push in the story through Louis and Legoshi.