DC Comics REVIEW: ‘Dark Nights: Death Metal The Last 52: War of The Multiverses #1,’ Issue #1William Tucker12/29/2020
DC Comics REVIEW: ‘Dark Nights: Death Metal-The Secret Origin,’ Issue #1Collier "CJ" Jennings12/22/2020
REVIEW: ‘Dark Nights: Death Metal,’ Issue #2By Lizzy Garcia07/14/2020Updated:04/30/2021 In ‘Dark Nights: Death Metal #2,’ the remaining Dark Knights are out for blood as Wonder Woman, Swamp Thing, and Wally West search for Batman.
DC Comics REVIEW: ‘Dark Nights: Death Metal,’ Issue #1By Lizzy Garcia06/16/2020Updated:06/09/2021 In ‘Dark Nights: Death Metal #1,’ The Batman Who Laughs reigns supreme over the earth after the world is enveloped by the Dark Multiverse.