DC Comics
Detective Comics 2022 Annual #1 is an excellent view of Gotham’s past. Is it awesome, average, or annoying? See my review to find out.
Justice Society Of America #1 is an amazing issue introducing Huntress and a broad story with big goals. See my review on this one!
Harley Quinn #24 is excellent. It is not a lively book, but the dialogue and character development is just as intense as any battle.
Detective Comics #1066 is a finely crafted issue of the struggles against evil and I have the inside scoop on it. Come on over!
Action Comics #1049 is a spectacular issue of Superman you should be reading and enjoying! I’m more than happy to tell you about it!
Dark Crisis: The Dark Army #1 is a comic with a lot of initial potential, but squanders it with a team of inconsistent creators.
Batman: One Bad Day – Mr Freeze #1 takes a different spin on the love story between Nora and Victor as Batman approaches them with an offer.
Harley Quinn: The Animated Series – Legion of Bats #2 features character development, debauchery, and its own spin on the Batman mythos.
Nightwing #98 is an excellent issue that takes a wild left turn into the bizarre for its title hero. Allow me to tell all of you about it.
Stargirl The Lost Children #1 brings back Courtney and company for an amazing arc that triumphs comic’s early days and DC’s storied lore.