DC Comics
Justice Society Of America #3 and boy, does it get right into the thick of things! Read my review and get the issue!
I reviewed WildC.A.T.S #5, and it shows dead heroes are soon forgotten, and the new ones are just bad news!
Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods #1 is a book that focuses on the Gods tormenting humanity but lacks the focus to excel.
Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #1 sees Jon faced with an old tormentor returning to haunt him in this tension building opening.
Static: Shadows of Dakota #2 puts the pressure on its titular hero, as his superhero life and personal life collide with explosive results.
The Flash #794 is part 4 of the One-Minute War, blending both hope and despair as the youngest member of the Flash Family has to save them all.
Batman #133 from DC Comics is a solid read that keeps its heroes from where they’re needed. I’m happy to tell all of you about it.
Action Comics #1052 from DC Comics is a great Superman book that puts in its best work with Metallo. Read my review, and get to know him.
Stargirl The Lost Children #4 brings readers a wealth of DC lore and a huge surprise you need to see. You need to get this issue!
Harley Quinn #27 is the end of this creative team’s run on this book, in particular Stephanie Phillips, closing out a long and brilliant tenure.