DC Comics
Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #3 sees Jon coming to terms with the startling new world he has discovered in this intriguing issue.
The Flash #798 is a historically important issue, and it witnesses the birth of a new West, but then puts him in danger in a sci-fi adventure.
Batman #135 is a slam bang, no-holds-barred journey into the universality of the Caped Crusader, and I am here for it
Shazam #1 brings the young hero back into his own book with a new superhero name and a new set of tests for him and his family.
Green Arrow #1 from DC Comics is not what I expected, and I love that! I have to share my thoughts about it with you all today
Unstoppable Doom Patrol #2 is a comic that is starting to hits its stride, hitting us early with an emotional gut punch.
Detective Comics #1071 fires up one tale and ends another with a chilling bang. My review tells ya all about it!
Action Comics #1054 hits three ways and all are glorious stories I really want y’all to sink your brainpans into
Harley Quinn #29 has settled the different plot threads introduced in the first issue of the new creative team and is now starting to thrive.
Superman #3 does a great job of establishing SuperCorp. By the end, you’ll be invested in the hope that Lex can turn it around…temporarily.