DC Comics
City Boy #1 is a new DC series featuring a complicated protagonist with an intricate backstory you need to read
Justice Society Of America #4 is a feat of love and respect that dips its toes into character insights for both heroes and villains
Green Arrow #2 from DC Comics kicks off a parallel battle on Earth and…somewhere else. Tune into my review for details!
Action Comics #1055 is absolutely a family book first and foremost, and it shows three times over why I loved reviewing it
Nightwing #104 from DC Comics ends the Neron storyline but also gives us a new look and feel for Nightwing, for a price
Cyborg #1 takes Victor Stone back to Detroit and instantly derails his life as a family tragedy leaves him with an emotional quandary
The Vigil #1 is a sensational first issue featuring a new team running wild in the DCU you need to read about!
Superboy: The Man of Tomorrow #2 continues the cosmic adventure, as Superboy finds himself in the middle of an intergalactic war.
The Flash #799 is the second half of a story, launching out of time and space in order to save The Flash’s son from Granny Goodness.
Titans #1 is here, and it hits the ground running for someone’s life. Come on by and catch my review of this one