DC Comics
Green Lantern #4 reunites two heroic friends, but also brings back Hal Jordan’s sworn enemy, as Coast City is held to ransom.
Wesley Dodds: The Sandman #1 gives the controller of nightmares a noir series of his own, following his starring role in Knight Terrors.
Batman and Robin #2 is a rapid and brilliant comic that tries to fix the difficult relationship between father and son.
Batman: City of Madness #1 is a Black Label graphic novel from the magnificent mind of Christian Ward, creating a whole new Gotham.
Birds of Prey #2 establishes connections within this brand new Birds of Prey lineup with an extremely dangerous first mission.
Blue Beetle #2 sees the Scarabs reel from a brutal attack, and the figure responsible isn’t finished with dealing out punishment.
Shazam #4 pits The Captain in the middle of two warring races, but the manipulation from the gods will make it difficult to save the day.
Batman #138 is part 4 of The Gotham War. Batman faces off against all four Robins, with the family bond on the verge of severing.
Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War: Red Hood #1 is a tie-in to the Gotham War. Jason Todd works with Catwoman whilst planning his own mission.
Power Girl #1 takes the heroine from tie-ins and specials and grants her a series of her own, where every action she takes appears to be scrutinized.