DC Comics
‘Hex Wives #4’ seems like just Stepford-adjacent tale of women being controlled by men, but as the women get power, it becomes more than that.
‘Mysterious of Love in Space #1’ is an anthology of sorts featuring love stories from famous DC Comics characters and couples.
In ‘The Flash Annual #2’ Barry’s completely heartbroken after finding out about the events from ‘Heroes In Crisis’ and hopes to figure out a plan.
Heroes In Crisis #5 reveals clues about who was responsible for the murder of many DC Heroes at Sanctuary while Booster Gold and Blue Beetle team-up
The Flash #63 is the final comic in The Flash’s Force Quest deals heavily with the Force powers and the choices Barry will have to make in the future.
Kids in battle is the theme of ‘Batman Beyond #28’ and it packs an emotional punch that leaves you hanging and needing to come back.
‘Books of Magic #4’ follows as Dr. Rose goes on a special assignment and tasks Tim to look for other magic books in the library.
‘Freedom Fighters #2’ finds the Freedom Fighters in an epic battle royal taking a classic old school Nazi robot, with American citizens as onlookers.
‘Batman #63’ stars John Constantine as he follows Bruce through his dream and attempts to knock some sense into the Dark Knight.
‘Naomi #1’ follows new character Naomi as she investigates Superman and Mongul’s crash and begins to uncover her own origins and adoption.