Honey and Venom is an amazing memoir by an urban beekeeper and international nonprofiteur and all-around journey through the many seasons of a beekeeper.
The Comeback by Ella Berman follows the life of Grace Turner as she navigates the troubles of recovering from abuse in the world of fame, power, and status
Sugar Summer by Hannah Moskowitz is a lesbian retelling of Dirty Dancing that excellently captures its essence in a modern story.
From Brian Michael Bendis, Words For Pictures is an amazing toolkit for anybody who has that itch to create comics.
The Harpy is a dazzling, dark revenge fantasy that explores a couple as they deal with the aftermath of an affair through a game.
‘So This Is Love: A Twisted Tale’ is the newest of the Twisted Tale series about what happened if Cinderella never tried on the glass slipper.
Thor: Metal Gods sees Thor be summoned by an old ally to help her save some of her people. What comes next is a star-spanning adventure.
The Vanished Birds by Simon Jimenez, published by Del Rey, is an interesting science fiction novel debut that grabs you until it falters in its second half.