Black Lightning #1 (2024) explores the consequences of Absolute Power whilst keeping every part of the story focused on a man and his daughters.
Author: William Tucker
NYX #5 sees the community try and recover from an attack and betrayal. This will take kindness and forgiveness, not violence.
Uncanny X-Men #5 concludes the first arc,, seeing the Hag and her forces try to destroy Rogue and the X-Men completely.
Psylocke #1 (2024) sends the psychic ninja on an adventure, taking a working vacation away from the X-Men and assessing her relationship with killing.
Absolute Batman #2 (2024) calms down slightly, but it still features the same ridiculous, heavy metal action of the first issue.
Green Lantern #17 takes the battle to Oa, where a living planet seeks to obliterate the home of the Green Lanterns for good.
The Ultimates #6 sees a huge fight between the full Ultimates quad and The Hulk, but their numbers and muscles may still not be enough.
JSA Issue #1 splits the generations of the team. As the older members disappear, it falls to the younger heroes to carry the torch.