Transformers: Kingdom finds both the Autobots and Decepticons stranded after they crash-land on an organic planet and encounter the Maximals and Predacons.
Author: Quinn
In Jabba The Hutt #1, after no sign of Han Solo’s carbonite body, Jabba suspects Boba Fett has betrayed him so he sends Deva Lompop after his lost pup.
In Snow Angels Season Two #2, our main characters find themselves in a pickle when they unexpectedly meet humans outside the Trench.
Transformers #32 picks up after Jumpstream loses control of her teleporting power, sending her to another place and another time where she meets Exarchon.
As a prequel, Snowpiercer: Extinction describes the world before it became an icebox and what led to the never-stopping train.
As the final issue of this miniseries, our protagonists fend off a swarm of Insecticon clones in Transformers: Escape #5.
In A Tale of Synapse: The Chaos Theories, Néro goes on an adventure to help his fellow, close-minded Synapsians understand the power of knowledge.
After the Autobots escaped Iacon, they’re running out of Energon and supplies. Transformers #31 offers a solution to their problem.