‘Transformers Galaxies #1’ focuses on the group of transformers known as the Constructicons, how they were shunned from Cybertron, and how they plan to return.
Author: Quinn
‘Borderlands 3’ is a Borderlands game through and through. It’s fun, snarky, and has loads of guns. Who wouldn’t want to play it?
In ‘Transformers #12’ Cybertronian xenorelations crumble and Nautica must unravel an alien plot that could threaten her shipmates.
Transformers has been around for 35 years. So, if you are interested in getting into Transformers but don’t know where to start? Click here.
In Transformers #11, Chromia reveals that Windblade and her raid on a Rise base was fruitful, and Bumblebee is charged with defending an Ascenticon building that’s under siege by Autobot security and the Rise.
In ‘Transformers #10’, with the spread of fear, Cybertronians are flocking to join the Ascenticon cause. It’s just what Megatron wants and it makes Bumblebee’s job as a guard even harder.
The ‘Red vs. Blue’ panel at RTX 2019 revealed interesting insights about the current season, facts about past seasons, and the future of Red vs. Blue.
In ‘Transformers #7,’ Chromia and Prowl now have two murder victims on their hands and still no killer in chains. And Bumblebee gets a career-change.