A comic book based on The Raid guarantees plenty of bone cracking action. But in The Raid: Locked Up trade paperback, do the bones break good or bad?
Author: Max Funkey
Fear the old blood. But don’t be afraid to check out this review for Titan Comics’ upcoming Bloodborne: The Healing Thirst trade paperback!
The top eight assassins are back in Assassin Nation #2 and now they have a job to do. But does the most recent issue shoot to kill?
The first arc of this series ends in Die #5,the fifth issue of Kieron Gillen, Stephanie Hans, and Clayton Cowles’ excellent series.
The Storyteller and his dog have returned for another tale in ‘Jim Henson’s The Storyteller: Sirens #1.’ Can it recreate the magic of the original series?
Worlds collide in Rick and Morty vs. Dungeons & Dragons #1 Director’s Cut. But was the story a critical hit or a critical fumble? Check inside to find out.
Humor and contract killings collide in the hilarious ‘Assassin Nation’ #1 from Kyle Starks and Erica Bennett. Courtesy of Image Comics.
In DIE #4, the five adventuring party members have finally reached the fabled City of Glass and not a moment too soon, find out what happens next.