A look at Image Comics’ The Weatherman Vol 1, written by Jody Leheup, illustrated by Nathan Fox with colors by Dave Stewart and lettering by Steve Wands.
Author: Mateo Guerrero
Euthanauts Volume 1 by Tini Howard, Nick Robles, Eva De La Cruz, and Neil Uyetake, and Aditya Bidikar tackles death head-on.
The Avant-Guards #2 takes us one on one with the team. Can they convince Charlie to wear the jersey again? Find it all here.
Burnouts Vol 1. kicks off when this group of high school stoners discover an secret alien invasion happening in their sleepy suburban town.
Cretaceous takes readers 145 million years into the past when dinosaurs ruled. Cretaceous charts the connected lives of dinosaurs living in Montana
Zander Cannon’s Monster sized Kaijumax gets an ginormous hardcover. Check out our review of Kaijumax where everyone can be a monster.
Animator Mick Lauer has been hard at work on something amazing, a motion comic that’s Mexico in the Style of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures: Blood Sun Vendetta.
‘The Wrath of Fantômas,’ the most popular villain of French literature makes his comic debut with Titan Comics and Statix Press.