In ‘Batman: Universe #2,’ Batman, with the help of Green Arrow, travels to Gorilla City in order to learn more about the mysterious Fabergé egg.
Author: Lizzy Garcia
‘Young Justice: Outsiders” newest episode, “Antisocial Pathologies,” finds the Outsiders facing new threats as loyalties shift
‘Ghosted In L.A. #2’ gives insight into the history of the property as Daphne learns more about the ghostly residents at Rycroft Manor.
In ‘Gryffen: Galaxy’s Most Wanted #6,’ Gryffen must come face to face with their past as they try to save Telika’s planet from the Reach’s blockade.
‘Young Justice: Outsiders’ latest episode, “Unknown Factors,” find Nightwing and Black Lightning investigating Granny Goodness
In ‘Lois Lane #2,’ Lois uncovers an entire conspiracy into why a journalist ended up dead and in doing so, she has to keep secrets from her husband.
In the series finale of ‘Swamp Thing,’ “Loose Ends,” Alec and Abby face the truth about Swamp Thing while attempting to stop Avery Sunderland.
‘We Are Here Forever’ is an anthology of stories based in the world of the webcomic of the same name both created by Michelle Gish