In the Shadow of the Moon is a great genre-bending film that is filled with ambition and stellar performances through four decades.
Author: Kate Sánchez
‘Angel #5’ gets readers ready for the Hellmouth event next month with a great set-up and an introduction of a new character.
To put simply, Guns Akimbo from writer-director Jason Lei Howden is a hot mess, but in the best neon drenched and rock ‘n roll way.
In the end, “My Perfect World” is easily my favorite of the season so far, if only for how emotionally devastated it left me.
The Mortuary Collection is wonderful storytelling through four unique vignettes, held together by a spooky mortician played by Clancy Brown.
Scream, Queen! My Nightmare on Elm Street tells the story of Mark Patton, the lead in Freddy’s Revenge and his life after the film.
Seis Manos blends anime, Mexico, exploitation cinema, and kung-fu. This week we got to talk with co-creator Alvaro Rodriguez.
‘Fractured’ is a pure psychological thriller follow Ray after he wakes up in a hospital waiting room and finds his family is gone.