Monster Hunter Wilds introduces new threats and revisits some classic monsters from the two decades of Monster Hunter history. While hunters gather and discuss which Monster is the most challenging or deadliest, only plush sales have ever attempted to explore the question at the core of many fans’ hearts: Which new vicious monster from Monster Hunter Wilds is the best for cuddling? Or in other terms, who are the best monsters in the game you could cuddle?
Looking for tips to get you started in Monster Hunter Wilds? Check out our recommendations.
7. Your Seikret
This small Bird Wyvern is the only monster on the list that isn’t trying to smother you with its aggressive affection and deadly talons. While not all Seikrets you encounter are necessarily friendly or cuddle-safe, your faithful companion is the goodest of boys.
Unlike your foul Palico, who often leave you stunned in the face of certain death, Seikrets are wonderful mounts who hold all your extra gear and ride with you in the dangers of battle. In a wild world of peril, they are a hunter’s best friend!
6. Ajarakan
The Glowing Monkey Beast of the Oilwell Basin is a muscular monstrosity quick to warm up nearby hunters with a shower of flaming rocks. With a desire to nuzzle up next to people with its sharp flame-like spikes, Ajarakan often dig their shoulder into the earth and drag it into hunters.
This Fanged Beast primate has an explosive nature, but they also have massive arms, all the better to pummel cuddle hunters. In a region with an abundance of large oil deposits, Ajarakan are certain to keep hunters nice and warm!
5. Hirabami
A newly introduced Monster to the series, the Hirabami, also known as the Wind Shear Wyvern, is reminiscent of a Nobori or traditional medieval house banner. This flying carpet-like Wyvern inhabits the brutally cold Iceshard Cliffs, wrapping itself around prey or slamming into them.
Sure, it has sharp talons that will trap you in place, and it wants to eat you, but if that disqualified a monster from being considered, then there wouldn’t be any. Essentially, the Hirabami is a giant weighted blanket meant to keep you warm during a blizzard, and by Monster Hunter standards, that is pretty cuddly.
4. Xu Wu
This multiarmed cephalopod, colloquially known as the Piercing Assassin, hides in ambush to strike against larger prey and unsuspecting hunters. At the same time, some reports have them kidnapping people right out of villages who don’t love a surprise hug from a friend.
And if you squint really hard and ignore the sharp blades formed of hardened mucus and the hidden mouth underneath, then this lovable monstrosity is definitely “Friend Shaped.” With an impressive combination of swift speeds and reach, hunters will have difficulty escaping his tender embrace, not that you’d ever want to leave, though.
3. Lala Barina
Now I know what you are immediately thinking: how can a giant spider with razor-sharp blades ever be described as cuddly? But the Lala Barina will surprise hunters with a beautiful bloom of paralytic petals sure to lull you into a relaxed state. With the moniker of Thorny Flower Spider, Lala Barinas hides a stunning rose flower-esk bloom of bright red fur that launches into the sky around it, paralyzing nearby creatures.
Since Lala Barinas takes cuddling very seriously, they further aid the comfort of their victim’s friends by wrapping them in the same vibrant red silk that they use to make their nests. And frankly, being numbed and wrapped tightly in spun silk sounds like levels royal of comfort that we should all seeking in our lives. Pretty sure it would cure my insomnia.
2. Doshaguma
The Pioneers Beast, Doshaguma is another new entry to the series, this bear-like monster is covered in long thick brown fur with large paws. Found hunting solo or in packs throughout multiple regions of Monster Hunter Wilds, this Fanged Beast is basically just a giant teddy bear that wants to rip you apart. They can even come in extra large size in the form of Alpha Doshaguma. It is the Monster Hunter equivalent of a walking Snorlax Plush with anger management issues.
1. Arkveld
It would be negligent not to mention the cover monster for itself, Arkveld, The Chain Blade Wyvern, when talking about which monsters are built for cuddling. This ram-like winged dragon sports soft white fur and interlocking scale chains used to grab and constrict hunters (also scales, armor, and an unnecessary number of deadly teeth that we choose to ignore).
Capable of using its dragon elemental properties to infuse these chains with energy, Arkveld can provide warmth to would-be hunters (in the form of massive explosions). Capable of holding a hunter tight and keeping them warm, Arkveld is a top-tier cuddle monster.
There are plenty more monsters, both new and old to discover and dream of cuddling in Monster Hunter Wilds. However, until Capcom releases a new Monster Hunter Stories game, caring for these new monsters will have to wait.
Until that fateful day, stay safe because as soft and welcoming as these monsters may seem, they are still deadly creatures that don’t like being disturbed and will rip you to shreds if you get a little too comfortable. Maybe there is a real-world lesson to be learned here next time someone thinks how cool it would be to own an exotic large cat.
Monster Hunter Wilds is available for purchase on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam.