ZENSHU Episode 6 is a redemption arc for both Natsuko and Justice and showcases how fleshed out the characters are. It’s another beautifully animated episode that astounds viewers with a mesmerizing fight scene. For the first time ever in the series, the episode shows all the members of the Nine Heroes in its short opening scene. It also shows how well they worked together and how strong of a bond Justice and Luke (Kazuki Ura) used to have as they fought one of the first waves of Voids.
This makes it sadder that their relationship has since fractured, and several of the members are no longer in the picture. While short, the cold open featured the anime’s stellar art direction and character designs. Each individual hero has an intricate look, and the environments, colors, and visual effects of their abilities are all amazing to look at.
Natsuko is alive and well in ZENSHU Episode 6.
After the previous episode’s cliffhanger, ZENSHU Episode 6 shows that Natsuko (Anna Nagase) is alive and well. A short breakdown of the situation reveals that the Void has attached itself to the temple of the final Soul Future. The situation is quite dire. If it emerges from its cocoon, it will go after the city’s final beacon of hope, and all efforts to stop its chrysalis process have been useless.
Despite this, Natsuko is still as brazen as ever, attempting to fix the situation herself even after the previous episode’s events proved she definitely cannot. Luke scolds Natsuko, frustrated by the fact that she’s learned nothing from her experience as the other members of the team look forlorn, knowing he is right. His frustrations lead him to a graveyard where it seems former members of the team are laid to rest.
While it’s not completely clear which members are dead, one can take an educated guess due to their grave designs, and it’s clear the grave with axes belongs to the dwarf seen at the start of the episode. These little subtle details are prevalent throughout the anime and are just another example of its excellent environmental storytelling. As the episode also shows three graves, it’s also clear all but one of the Nine Heroes are accounted for. It’s still unclear how the three died and which one is still yet to be revealed. However, as there are still plenty of episodes left, it wouldn’t be a surprise if another hero is featured or mentioned in detail.
Justice meets Luke at the graveyard and decides to join him. They have a conversation about the forthcoming fight with the Void, and the conversation leads to Natsuko. The topic visibly frustrates and flusters Luke, who’s jealous of how close Justice and Natsuko seem to be. It’s obvious he still has feelings for Natsuko, and as such, her reckless actions anger him.
Following this, several team members try to convince Natsuko that she has to work together with them and that they’re all worried about her. However, what ultimately convinces her is Memerun (Minori Suzuki). The quiet, stoic elf puts her heart on her sleeve and explains to Natsuko how much she cares for her, how she doesn’t want to lose any more friends, and that they can only succeed if they work together. This shocks Natsuko and finally convinces her, especially after remembering the same words a colleague told her in the past.
This scene shows how, despite only being in their lives for a short time, Natsuko has become a valued member of the team, and they all care about her as a person. It also finally helps Natsuko realize that there are things she can’t do alone and how to rely on others, even if it took being spirited away to another world to realize this. The scene also shows an excellent display of character development for Natsuko. All she’s experienced so far has led her to the reasonable conclusion that her methods aren’t always the best.
The Void cocoon bursts in ZENSHU Episode 6.
Eventually, the group devises a plan to deal with the Void before it emerges from its cocoon as the city is evacuated. Before the fight begins, a mysterious bird mocks Natsuko for the second time in the anime, hinting that all her efforts saving this world will ultimately be useless.
The cocoon bursts, and the fight against the Void begins. However, unlike in previous episodes, Natsuko plays the supporting role. She helps the rest of the team to go up the tower where the Void creature is by drawing up some stairs. However, the steps collapse and they are unable to make it, but Justice, who’s had a change of mind, decides to help the Nine Heroes, specifically Natsuko, who he flies up the tower despite his damaged wings. This action finally provides Justice his big moment of redemption and does a great job emphasizing how he still cares for his teammates despite all that’s happened.
With his help, she continues to support them, and Luke, with some help from Unio (Rie Kugimiya) can kill the Void creature right before it gets to the final Soul Future. ZENSHU Episode 6’s final scene against the Void creature is the best-animated scene in the series thus far. The dynamic, intricate motions of both the Void creature and the characters were portrayed excellently. Additionally, the special effects and colorful visuals of the crystals holding the Soul Future, Unio’s ability, and the final impact frame as Luke cuts down the creature were all mesmerizing.
While the overall direction in this episode isn’t as strong as in previous episodes, as the pacing did not allow for much slower moments, the fantastic final fight more than made up for it. The episode ends with Luke and Justice making up after Luke learns the truth about his wings, and with Luke appreciating an exhausted Natsuko for her teamwork.
ZENSHU Episode 6 is another highly entertaining episode that explores the depth of its characters, includes even more character development, and features excellent animation from MAPPA. Thanks to its interesting characters, the narrative also gets better with each episode. All episodes so far have helped Natsuko grow through real-life lessons, and it’ll be interesting to see how she uses these lessons in the future.
ZENSHU Episode 6 is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
ZENSHU Episode 6 — "CHANGE"
ZENSHU Episode 6 is another highly entertaining episode that explores the depth of its characters, includes even more character development, and features excellent animation from MAPPA.