Ultimate Wolverine Issue 1 is published by Marvel Comics as part of their new Ultimate Universe. Written by Chris Condon, art by Alessandro Cappuccio, colors by Bryan Valenza and letters by Cory Petit.
A new weapon is plunged into Eurasia in Ultimate Wolverine Issue 1. The start of a new Ultimate series opens up a previously unexplored region since the Maker was locked away. Eurasia is Russia, a dark dystopia ruled by Colossus, Magik, and Omega Red. And at their disposal is a ruthless weapon. This universe’s version of Wolverine combines Wolverine and the Winter Soldier. There is a hidden history, kept secret through blood and violence.
An opposition force in Eurasia is trying to destabilize and fight back against the steel fist that rules them. This issue explores what happens when they do, with the Wolverine sent after them. The book has a terrific structure, telling the past and present simultaneously, so they are perfectly entwined. It’s a hardcore opening mission with intense personal connections for Logan. It’s bloody and scary, with a ruthless tone throughout. The pace is always building towards the ferocious outburst, and when it does, it’s impossible to look away.
The main character of Ultimate Wolverine Issue 1 is silent, so it falls to the other characters to explain the world and its history. Condon manages to explore much of Wolverine’s backstory and that of the region through dialogue happening around him. The exposition isn’t enormous, but it is efficient. The ruthlessness of Wolverine can be found in other character’s reactions to him. We may have years of learning what his claws can do, but this is the first time for those in this universe. And the silence is terrifying.
There is no reasoning or attempts to trick and deceive. His two targets are instantly recognizable. It could be considered a waste of two important and memorable figures from the mainstream universe. However, it showcases the ruthlessness that has spread across the entire Ultimate line. That barbarity can also be found in the villains. All three are cold, meticulous, and emotionless. Where others exhibit fear in the presence of such a horrifying force of nature, Colossus, Magik, and Omega Red are calm and collected.
The art has a fascinating approach to the violence.  The book sticks to the shadows, and the action is reflected early on. At first, Wolverine merely slices through the shadows and moves like a wraith instead of leaving a visceral blood bath.The speed of this invincible assassin is captured superbly by Cappuccio. When blood sheds, it comes from rapid slashes and precise movements. There is no joy or relish in the murder, but it’s a job.
What sets this Wolverine aside from any other of its kind is the lack of facial expressions for most of the book. His face is covered with a combination of the Wolverine mask and Winter Soldier’s mouthguard. The mask obstructs any view of his eyes and mouth. It falls to body language to denote his intentions. The mask can scrunch up, creating a menacing glare. Towards the end of the issue, his eyes are revealed, and a terrifying soul is behind them.
The murdering mostly takes place inside a church or monastery that has been transformed into a base for a rebellious operation. The building, twinned with the shadowy effects of Cappuccio’s style, adds a gothic feel to the entire issue. Cappuccio’s art is breathtaking in its beauty and how it conveys the story. Aside from the connections built by the characters, the entire comic could be told silently due to how brilliant the body language is.
The colors in Ultimate Wolverine Issue 1 are dark and melancholy. Light fights to break through the shadows that move like smoke across the page. Occasionally, red and green enter the picture. The red covers the church’s interior, while the green adds a biological, scientific tint to the lab in which Wolverine is created. Wolverine is a mixture of silver and red, the latter of which hides the blood that splatters over his costume. The lettering is the standard text used across all Ultimate comics. It’s uniform and clear and has become a house style at this point.
Ultimate Wolverine Issue 1 slices its way into new territories. This oppressive, emotionless force that has smothered Eurasia has a dangerous weapon that can obliterate hope in a heartbeat. What is striking about this first issue is how much of the storytelling is done visually. With a main character who never speaks, it falls to the artist to depict what is happening in both the loud and quiet moments.
Ultimate Wolverine Issue 1 combines horror and action by fusing two imposing characters into one terrifying mixture. Adding more metal to Wolverine and making him silent puts him in the same territory as Jason Voorhees, Terminator, and the Predator. But his powers may make him more frightening than all of them.
Ultimate Wolverine Issue 1 is available where comics are sold.
Ultimate Wolverine Issue 1
Ultimate Wolverine Issue 1 combines horror and action by fusing two imposing characters into one terrifying mixture. Adding more metal to Wolverine and making him silent puts him in the same territory as Jason Voorhees, Terminator, and the Predator. But his powers may make him more frightening than all of them.