After an exceptional penultimate episode, Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury Episode 24 aims to conclude the beloved series in a way that will satisfy fans. Suletta Mercury has some important decisions to make, but can she balance her love for her mother Prospera Mercury with her desire to do what is right to help both those close to her and those she might not even know? The episode beautifully titled “May All Blessings Find Their Way To You, I’m Wishing It” answers that and more as the series comes to an end.
The Space Assembly League is pressing its attack on Quiet Zero and shows no signs of letting up. Miorine Rembran and Prospera along with Suletta’s other allies are taken into custody by the Space Assembly League as the League sends their mobile suits out against Quiet Zero. Suletta tries to connect with Ericht and in the process ends up passing out. Her connection to the data storm has left her near death, seemingly unable to do anything more to fight. That doesn’t stop her resolve, however, and with the help of her friends at Earth House she teams up with Guel Jeturk to face the Space Assembly League head-on.
Suletta doesn’t even consider the idea of not jumping straight back into the fray, regardless of the risk to her own life. Her selflessness is so strong that even the idea of not sacrificing herself to save others never crosses her mind. She wants to save everyone. Eri, Prospera, Miorine, and everyone else she has encountered along the way.
When she arrives where Prospera is being held captive, Prospera attempts to convince Suletta to connect Erict to Quiet Zero by claiming it is the only way to save Ericht. It is a challenging moment for Suletta, she had always been a tool for her mother’s machinations and would have to fight her entire upbringing in order to turn her back on her mother’s desires. Suletta does see through her mother’s lie and instead forces the connection with Quiet Zero herself. The data storm is overwhelming, but Elen #4 appears in the midst of it and allows Suletta to weather the storm and reconnect with Ericht.
Seeing the two sisters working together is a beautiful moment that has been building ever since Ericht’s true nature was revealed. The Witch From Mercury Episode 24 does an excellent job of paying off all the buildup to give an incredible moment between them. Miorine attempts to get the Space Assembly League to stand down by striking a deal but they refuse to back down, requiring Suletta and Ericht to press on in a way that puts Suletta in grave danger.
It is there that we get the most beautiful and heartwrenching moments of The Witch From Mercury. Through the data storm, Prospera is able to connect with all of those she lost including her husband Nadim. It gives Prospera a chance at redemption which comes to a head when Suletta appears to her mother in the data storm and tells her she is proud of her. It shows again how selfless and loving Suletta is, willing to forgive and understand her mother despite all that she had done.
But the real heart-stopping moment is when Suletta is left floating in space, seemingly dead. The epic musical score cuts to silence as Miorine ventures out to save her beloved and she is seen screaming and crying when she believes Suletta is gone. Her screams are never heard and the silence remains in an incredibly haunting moment that left me incredibly moved when the silence breaks as Suletta speaks. Miorine’s pain was palpable, as was her relief and love when she realizes Suletta is safe.
The rest of The Witch From Mercury Episode 24 gives a look at what happens over the next three years for Suletta and her friends. Folks like Guel and Chuchu appear to be thriving, as do the rest of the survivors. Suletta and Prospera have settled on Earth where Miorine joins them. Suletta and Miorine are finally united and even married, an incredibly satisfying resolution for a relationship that at times felt like it might never work out. Seeing everyone thriving after everything that happened, all of the guilt and grief, was such a relief. They all deserved happiness after everything they went through and the way it all worked out felt so natural.
The Witch From Mercury Episode 24 is a beautiful finale that manages to break hearts and heal them, all in the span of 23 minutes. Seeing Suletta put her life on the line and have it all work out never felt cheap, and her happiness was greatly deserved. As far as series finales go, The Witch From Mercury Episode 24 is up there with the best of them.
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury Episode 24 is available to stream on Crunchyroll.
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury Episode 24 – “May All Blessings Find Their Way To You, I'm Wishing It”
The Witch From Mercury Episode 24 is a beautiful finale that manages to break hearts and heal them, all in the span of 23 minutes. Seeing Suletta put her life on the line and have it all work out never felt cheap, and her happiness was greatly deserved. As far as series finales go, The Witch From Mercury Episode 24 is up there with the best of them.