Ranking of Kings Season Episode 2 is a fantasy adventure anime based on the Japanese manga series, Ranking of Kings, written and illustrated by Sōsuke Tōka. The series is directed by Yosuke Hatta (Boogiepop) at WIT Studio, with series composition by Taku Kishimoto (Fruits Basket), character designs by Atsuko Nozaki, and music by MAYUKO (Cells at Work!). Treasure Chest of Courage is a special collection of short stories set during the first season of Ranking of Kings.
In Ranking of Kings Season 2 Episode 2, Bojji and Kage set out to return to Bojji’s kingdom following the completion of his training with his master, Despa. Now with newfound strength, confidence, and abilities, Bojji is more determined than ever to save his loved ones. As they make their way back to the Bosse Kingdom, accompanied by the Order of the Underworld, Bojji and Kage stumble upon a small band of thieves and some weirdly familiar creatures from Bojji’s past.
In Ranking of Kings: Treasure Chest of Courage, Episode 2, Bojji and Kage set out to return to Bojji’s kingdom after completing his training with his master, Despa. With newfound strength, confidence, and abilities, Bojji is more determined than ever to save his loved ones. As they return to the Bosse Kingdom, accompanied by an order of the Underworld, Bojji and Kage stumble upon a small band of thieves and some weirdly familiar creatures from Bojji’s past.
Ranking of Kings: Treasure Chest of Courage continues to impress me with its charming storyline interwoven with fantasy and healthy character development. Much like the first episode, episode 2 includes two installments with connecting storylines. Each allows Bojji and Kage to display acts of courage and gain new life lessons. The overarching theme and message of Ranking of Kings: Treasure Chest of Courage is to show how Bojji grew, not just in strength but in wisdom and courage, during his brief time away from his home kingdom. Episode 2 nails it perfectly.
Treasure Chest of Courage is a great way to provide further character development and seamlessly expand the world-building aspects of the series. The world of Ranking of Kings is bountiful with so many interesting characters. Each with its own unique story and motivations. Although the first season delivers a very impactful and concise report, some storylines feel there is still more to be told.
For example, the second portion of episode 2 introduces a group of animal spirits very similar to the ones Bojji encountered in season 1. In season 1 episode 4, Bojji meets a mad king while lost in the forest. While they are, Bojji and the king perform a ceremonial dance to honor the animal they hunted for food. During their dance, they observe the animal spirits being sucked into mysterious sky creatures before being regurgitated as fresh animals into the forest.
I loved how the animators illustrated this episode’s spirit creatures and the oasis. The backgrounds are beautifully rendered, creating a lush, vibrant world filled with intricate landscapes and fantastical creatures. Additionally, the use of color and lighting effectively sets the tone for the setting, from the rich colors of the lush forest to the dark and ominous tones of the desert.
Although I was excited to see the return of the spirit animals, episode 2 needed to add more context or explanation to what the creatures are exactly or their purpose in the series. These spirit animals are meant to symbolize the circle of life and rebirth. Perhaps they are the reincarnations of slain animals that have yet to be reborn. Nonetheless, I would love to see how or if these creatures play a role in the larger story to come in Ranking of Kings Season 2.
Ranking of Kings Season 2 Episode 2 brings more treachery and fantasy to the series’ charming storyline. The animation, as always, is visually stunning and captivating, especially regarding the more fantastical parts of the episode. So far, the series continues to show tremendous potential as it builds upon its epic fantasy world and tells a heartwarming story of courage and self-discovery. Episode 2 is a beautiful example of Bojji’s unwavering determination and learning new life lessons as he strives to prove himself and protect his loved ones.
Ranking of Kings: Treasure Chest of Courage streams weekly on Crunchyroll.
Ranking of Kings: Treasure Chest of Courage Episode 2
Ranking of Kings Season 2 Episode 2 brings more treachery and fantasy to the series’ charming storyline. The animation, as always, is visually stunning and captivating, especially regarding the more fantastical parts of the episode.