Justice Society Of America #3 from DC gives fans all they need in one explosive issue. Geoff Johns wrote the hell out of this issue, with Mikel Janin and Jerry Ordway doing their absolute best, most detailed artwork. Jordie Bellaire and John Kalisz are just as astute on colors as is Rob Leigh on the finer, smaller, attentive lettering. Huntress is in the present, staring at Dr. Fate, Deadman, and Detective Chimp. That’s where last issue left off, anyway. So naturally, this one picks up in the same spot.
Or, in World War II with the freaking Unknown Soldier and Sergeant Rock and Easy Company. Hot dang. I didn’t expect to see my fave DC wartime guy in bandages pop up here. And while I did anticipate more time travel/flashback shenanigans, this was absolutely the right one to pick. We get so little of the Unknown these days, and Rock, so to have them storm a lab that is ground zero for Degaton’s time experiments…perfect. I could tell it’s Ordway’s art, and, man, has he gotten even better. This man has longevity in the comics game, but those pencils are tight, and despite the old characters and veteran artist, this doesn’t feel nostalgic. But it is a great intro. And this is but the start of the issue.
Back to now, and that alley with the Huntress and company. Johns lays out immediate dialogue and gets right to it. Huntress is fighting Degaton. She has the snow globe. Dr. Fate is key. She needs the JSA. There are some cool Deadman and Chimp quips, and the new Dr. Fate is excellent as a young guy facing mortality and unbridled power. So, these guys zip her off to find the world’s first superhero team. And, holy moley, does Johns depict them in grand form. I was thrilled by how they came in, being the heroes they always were.
Justice Society Of America #3 is a dream issue. The transition from Ordway’s art to Janin’s is apparent but never jarring. However, I wonder if Janin went through an epiphany between issues because this art here is three steps above issue #2. Somehow. It pops more, has a few more fine lines, and faces are exceptional in how one differentiates from another. Action scenes are brilliant. Johns said some time back that Janin is putting in his best work. He’s half right. Janin and Ordway are in their best form as if buying this issue equated to getting war bonds to snuff out Hitler.
I love this issue so much. And take your time soaking up Bellaire and Kalisz’s saturations. These colors have their own textures and standout moments. Leigh seems to have shrunk back the word sizes. I mean, it works beautifully. The art bangs more this way, and it causes you to have to pay more attention to the words and the balloon shapes. Genius.
Buy this issue. Don’t worry about not liking WWII or the Golden Age or unfamiliar heroes. Go with a friend to the comic shop or roll over in bed and click the Comixology app. Forget the guy who claims this issue will be dull. He lied. His taste is terrible. Johns did not dillydally. Whereas I dreaded the time jumps would take 4-5 issues, oh no. I’m happy to admit to being wrong. This issue taps in and won’t stop. Writing, it’s fabulous. Artwork, I am beyond elated. Colors, like watching the sun rise at dawn. Letters, practically mad science in its structure. The Justice Society, and other war-torn heroes, are back, in your face, and looking and acting like the top stars they’ve always been. V for Victory.
Justice Society Of America #3 is available wherever comic books are sold.
Justice Society Of America #3
The Justice Society, and other war-torn heroes, are back, in your face, and looking and acting like the top stars they’ve always been. V for Victory.