Batman #130 from DC Comics brings two intense stories to a close. Chip Zdarsky writes both. ‘Failsafe: Finale’ is illustrated by Jorge Jimenez and colored by Tomeu Morey. ‘I Am A Gun’ is illustrated by Leonardo Romero and colored by Jordie Bellaire. Clayton Cowles diligently letters both.
In the last issue, we saw Batman blown off the Moon and heading to Earth after his opening salvo against Failsafe. Much of this issue details the insanity Batman drops in trying to survive the freefall into orbit. That’s all—nothing big here. I have to say, this story has never been anything short of nuts in all the right ways, with some very raw, touching scenes from Batman we rarely get. This issue doesn’t skimp on any of those traits. Batman is a master of strategic survival, even when it comes to re-entry. What happens afterward is…amazing. To the final page, I was glued to every panel.
Zdarsky’s first story for this title is a bona fide stamp on almost everything the character has represented, from the hunger for justice to the zaniness of the 1950s. His writing here touches on everything laid before but straps it to an ICBM and lets it blow sky-high. Batman’s humanity has been in the open. Sad to see it takes this for it to appear. I adore how it crescendoed. Man versus Self. Dead on.
Jimenez and Morey’s art/color work represent some of the finest done for 2022, if not the last three years of comic books. Batman is powerful, humane, and weak but consistently brilliant in lines and hues. Every footstep and bit of scenery is rapture. The level of dedication and sophistication with them and lettering FX by Cowles is second to none.
Batman #130 leaves from an epic one epic conclusion to finalize ‘I Am A Gun.’ We return to Romero’s old-school style, a safer comic to read. This is Zur-En-Arrh behind the wheel of Bruce Wayne, and he has the Joker in his hands. Even the Clown Prince of Crime is disturbed by this persona. Now, as bat*&%@ crazy as ‘Failsafe’ was, this story ends by giving the reader the creeps. The ‘innocent’ artistic renderings. Those Bellaire pop bubblegum colors. Cowles manning letters and thought pages mainly high up, exposing the visuals. But this story is cringe. Batman is someone else from here on, a scary beast that is, narrowly, him. I loved this so much. Zdarsky pulled in many Batman touchstones that made this story hit even more. Flawless.
Batman #130 is a dual hit finale to two supernova stories. If you want one that features a tour de force of script, characterization, art, coloring, inks, and lettering, rush back to your comic shop. Purchase Batman #125-130. Just binge-read the whole thing. I’ve rarely seen a better-written Batman, Tim Drake, and Failsafe, though it gets less and less to say near the end, is chilling in behavior from the jump. I never thought we’d see Zur-En-Arrh again, but considering how he was handled twice brought richness to the Batman mythos. No wrong done here. A crossover level event, but done in-house.
Batman #130 is available now wherever comic books are sold.
Batman #130
Batman #130 is a dual hit finale to two supernova stories. If you want one that features a tour de force of script, characterization, art, coloring, inks, and lettering, rush back to your comic shop. Purchase Batman #125-130. Just binge-read the whole thing. I’ve rarely seen a better-written Batman, Tim Drake, and Failsafe, though it gets less and less to say near the end, is chilling in behavior from the jump. I never thought we’d see Zur-En-Arrh again, but considering how he was handled twice brought richness to the Batman mythos. No wrong done here. A crossover-level event, but done in-house