We’ve hit the soul-crushing arc of My Hero Academia and Episode 119 doesn’t disappoint in building it all up. As a manga reader, this has been the arc I’ve been dreading and excited for, because the stakes are high. Last week, we saw Endeavor begin his fight with Shigaraki, and the week before we lost Twice in a heartbreaking moment. And now, we’re gearing up for an exploration of heroes and villains that cuts deep because anyone can decay under Shigaraki’s touch, and we’ve already seen that.
In My Hero Academia Episode 119, Endeavor continues his fight with Shigaraki. But as the two battle, Shigaraki has something else in his focus: One For All. When Midoriya realizes that Shigaraki is after One For All he uses himself as bait to try to lure Shigaraki away from the civilians. At this moment, Shigaraki is a kind of unhinged power that is absolutely terrifying. He is raw and driven by two motivations: kill and take One For All. The smile on his face and his predator drive toward our lead is adapted with perfection.
But the true beauty of this episode lies in the choices made with the naming of it: “Encounter Part 2.” Why is it called Part 2? Well, it’s continuing the episode called “Encounter,” which was the first time that Midoriya met and was frozen by Shigaraki. With so much development over the seasons between then and now, the growth of power has also led to a growth in worry. In this mirroring, there is a palpable dread that overtakes Midoriya, even as he’s moved to act.
That weight of responsibility isn’t an easy one and getting to see Bakugo running alongside Midoriya to carry it together is one of the most important moments in the series for both of them. Not to mention the history that Bakugo has with Shigaraki and how the two are connected through the villain’s actions. The build-up here is that Bakugo is looking to prove himself, to keep pace, and ultimately make sure that Midoriya doesn’t do it alone. While it may seem selfish, the flashbacks highlighted are moments that deeply connect him to Deku, and to the concept of being a hero. It’s hard to stomach watching it all animated and knowing the hammer that is about to drop. Especially when you remember the danger and those rushing to it are just children.
What sets My Hero Academia from other shonen series is that it never once forgets that our leads are children. From Gran Tarino pulling Bakugo and Midoirya from harm’s way as they got close to Shigaraki, to Aizawa trying to keep Shigaraki’s power erased, the heroes aren’t just protecting the public, they’re protecting their kids. As we approach the apex of the Shigaraki fight, the ending of My Hero Academia Episode 119 is how it showcases the heroes working together. They aren’t independent. They will sacrifice themselves for others, they will play their roles, and they are all working to move forward. Each shot is meticulous in its preparation for the larger moments coming in the next episodes. It’s building up the sense that it will take everyone to bring down Shigaraki while also showcasing the desparation that highlights that this may not be enough. There is no optimism, just a sense of duty masking a fear of failure.
On a smaller note, My Hero Academia Episode 119 does a lot of work to give more emotion to Toga by splicing in moments of her grief about losing someone who is really her friend. It complicates the brief scene of her slashing heroes left and right. It’s a small moment in the episode, but one that helps contextualize the villains in the way that Horijoshi was able to do in the manga. Not to mention the care given to animating Toga’s power in a way that captures her grief over the fanservice it plays is perfection.
My Hero Academia Episode 119 is pure narrative setup, both emotionally and narratively. Studio bones is getting ready to break the audience and it absolutely feels like it. With Shigaraki there is an encroaching dread and tension, while our strongest heroes begin to be shown as helpless but trying. My Hero Academia Season 6 is going to hurt, but man, it’s good.
My Hero Academia Episode 119 — "Encounter Part 2"
My Hero Academia Episode 119 is pure narrative setup, both emotionally and narratively. Studio BONES is getting ready to break the audience and it absolutely feels like it. With Shigaraki there is an encroaching dread and tension, while our strongest heroes begin to be shown as helpless but trying. My Hero Academia Season 6 is going to hurt, but man, it’s good.