Legion of X #1 is written by Si Spurrier, illustrated by Jan Bazaldua, colored by Federico Blee, and lettered by VC’s Clayton Cowles. It’s published by Marvel Comics. Following Onslaught’s attempted coup of Krakoa and subsequent defeat, Nightcrawler has pledged to protect the mutant nation from its worst impulses. To that end, he’s formed the Legionnaires – a group of mutants including Legion, Pixie, and Juggernaut – who help keep Krakoa’s sacred laws. However, the Legionnaires soon encounter a battery of tests, including Storm asking Nightcrawler to help find one of Arakko’s lost gods and mysterious mutant who can hijack bodies and is referred to as the “Skinjacker.”
In the same way that Knights of X serves as a continuation of Excalibur, this comic is a continuation of the work Spurrier did on Way of X – particularly when it comes to the exploration of faith. Nightcrawler is a character defined by his faith, not just in God but in his fellow X-Men, and by forming the mutant religion known as the Spark he’s attempting to keep that faith alive. The idea of gods on Arakko is a nice story development. Since Arrako had its own culture that was separate from Krakoa, it only makes sense that the Red Planet would have its own gods. However, Legion runs into one of the major issues that Knights did: mainly that you’d have to have read Way of X to pick up on specific plot points such as the formation of the Legionnaires.
Joining Spurrier on art duties is Bazaldua, who gives each of the Legionnaires their own unique look. Nightcrawler is sporting a newer version of his classic black, red, and white costume which includes a long red robe; he’s also grown a beard. That same color scheme runs through the other’s costumes, including Juggernaut and Pixie. Bazaldua also has the chance to design some new characters, such as the Arakko politician Ora Serrata – who’s literally a giant eyeball with a human body on top! Weaponless Zsen, another citizen of Arakko, bears white and blue armor that serves as a contrast to her pale yellow skin. In fact, color plays a large part in giving this book a signature look thanks to Blee, especially the psionic fortress known as the Altar, where the Legionnaires make their headquarters. It’s a kaleidoscope of colors, shifting and turning in a hypnotic way. That same collection of colors even shows up in Cowles’ lettering when Doctor Nemesis pronounces the word “Science.”
Legion of X #1 gives birth to a new team of mutants while also exploring the same themes of faith that Way of X did. If you’ve been enjoying the current crop of X-Men titles, if Nightcrawler is one of your favorite X-Men, or you like great worldbuilding – or all three – this book is definitely for you. I’d also suggest reading Way of X beforehand, as it’s not only a prelude to the events of this comic, but it’s also a great series.
Legion of X #1 will be available wherever comics are sold on May 25, 2022.
Legion of X #1
Legion of X #1 gives birth to a new team of mutants while also exploring the same themes of faith that Way of X did. If you’ve been enjoying the current crop of X-Men titles, if Nightcrawler is one of your favorite X-Men, or you like great worldbuilding – or all three – this book is definitely for you.