My Hero Academia is a superhero-shonen anime produced by studio BONES. With their winter break work studies come to an end, the students of class 1A return to their regular routines at school. However, an unexpected call will pull two of UA’s faculty members to an unlikely location for a horrifying reason in My Hero Academia Episode 107.
After taking a brief moment to get the students of class 1A back into the swing of their normal studies, My Hero Academia Episode 107 shifts its focus to follow Present Mic and Eraserhead as they are called to the supervillain prison Tartarus to help Gran Torino with the ongoing investigation into the League of Villains. The call goes out to these two in particular since it turns out that they have a unique connection with a captured member of the League. One Kurogiri.
Having just wrapped up its recent arc focused on the turbulent interpersonal connections of the Todoroki family, one could be forgiven for expecting a light episode to break a bit of the tension. However, my Hero Academia opts to instead keep the drama coming as it brings a glimpse into the past of two of UA High’s most recognizable faculty members.
Going all the way back to the Sports Festival arc, Present Mic and Eraserhead have been built up as long-time friends who serve as a comical odd couple. Present Mic’s over-the-top energy has been used to contrast and play off Eraserhead’s far more chilly disposition. And while they are strikingly different, one can easily see how the two could form a strong friendship despite their obvious differences.
My Hero Academia Episode 107 shows us a side of the duo that we rarely see. In this story, the two long-time veterans are shown completely off their game as they are greeted by shocking news upon their arrival at Tartarus. The information that has rocked the usual in-control duo is something that wouldn’t sit well with anyone as it dregs up old hurts and uncomfortable feelings for the pair of heroes. However, they have been called to the supervillain prison for a reason, and like the consummate heroes that they are, they will see their mission done.
The highlight of this episode is the deep dive it takes into the personality and motivations of Class 1A’s mentor and perpetual guardian, Eraserhead. So much of the iconic character’s personality is laid bare for the viewer in this episode. His strict attitude and willingness to expel students who fall short of his expectations are brought to the foreground here. We even learn the origins of his signature googles.
The art in My Hero Academia Episode 107 delivers the episode’s emotional beats perfectly. Seeing Eraserhead’s usual strength and calm shatter after five seasons is an impactful moment. The visuals hold nothing back as the hero pours years of pain out before the viewer’s eyes.
So to sum it up, My Hero Academia Episode 107 is an amazing, emotional episode that brings a new depth and understanding to one of its most iconic characters.
My Hero Academia Episode 107 is streaming on Funimation and Crunchyroll.
My Hero Academia Episode 107
My Hero Academia Episode 107 is an amazing, emotional episode that brings a new depth and understanding to one of its most iconic characters.