Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Volume 22 (Demon Slayer Volume 22) is an action-adventure fantasy manga written and illustrated by Koyoharu Gotouge and published by VIZ Media. Set in Taisho-era Japan, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba follows Tanjiro Kamado, a young man trying to support his mother and younger siblings. One day a demon kills Tanjiro’s family and turns his younger sister Nezuko into a demon. Now Tanjiro and Nezuko set out to find a cure for Nezuko and defeat the demon that killed their family.
Demon Slayer Volume 22 collects chapters 188 to 196. After centuries of preparation and training, the Demon Slayer Corps comes face-to-face with their nemesis, Muzan Kibutsuji. It is a desperate battle, and several Demon Slayers have already lost their lives. Tanjiro himself has engaged Muzan and, despite giving it everything he has, is taken out of the fight. Although severely injured and near death, he has a vision of his ancestor that just might hold the key to finally destroying Muzan.
The pacing of the story in Demon Slayer Volume 22 is fast and intense. The stakes continue to get higher with every chapter in this volume, as it seems no one is truly safe. The remaining Demon Slayers Corps members use everything they have against Muzan just to survive. Meanwhile, Muzan seems to counter nearly all of their moves. Fortunately, this doesn’t dishearten the Demon Slayers. Giving up is not an option as it would be an insult to their fallen comrades. Each chapter left my heart pounding with suspense and anticipation. I won’t lie. There is a lot going on in this volume, but Koyoharu Gotouge finds a way to make it all flow naturally.
In addition to the well-paced story, the mangaka still manages to get audiences emotionally invested in the characters and their backstory. In this volume, a brief portion of the chapters center on the Obanai Iguro, the Snake Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps. Even while all of the action is taking place in the present-day setting of the story, I found myself being equally invested in Iguro’s backstory. I appreciate that the moments focused on Iguro don’t distract from the main story. Instead, they help give context to his motivations and make me more emotionally invested in his character arc.
Koyoharu Gotouge’s artist skills continue to impress me in this volume. Granted, the illustrations throughout this series have been great. However, in Demon Slayer Volume 22, the illustrations feel like they get taken to a new level. You will see why Koyoharu Gotouge is known for skillfully capturing horrifically graphic action scenes and emotional heart-wrenching moments in this volume.
Overall, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Volume 22 is fast-paced, action-packed, and filled with emotions. Koyoharu Gotouge seamlessly tells a well-paced story filled with suspense, action, and some emotional moments for certain characters. Combined with stunning art that captures horrific and emotional moments, I can honestly say this might have been one of the most suspenseful volumes of the series that I have read thus far. As the series approaches its next and final volume, I can’t recommend picking up this volume and series more. It has been an exciting, emotional ride on this journey with these characters, and I can’t wait to see how it all comes to an end in the next volume.
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Volume 22 is available wherever books are sold on June 1, 2021.
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba, Volume 22
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba Volume 22 is fast-paced, action-packed, and filled with emotions. Koyoharu Gotouge seamlessly tells a well-paced story filled with suspense, action, and some emotional moments for certain characters. Combined with stunning art that captures horrific and emotional moments, I can honestly say this might have been one of the most suspenseful volumes of the series that I have read thus far. As the series approaches its next and final volume, I can’t recommend picking up this volume and series more.