In ever-increasing and often terrifying ways, the facts of a given situation continue to become less and less important for man. Instead, the greater concern is how conveniently they fit in with a person’s perception of their world and what matters to them. This trend is seen daily throughout our media and our political spheres as the most important detail of any story continues to be how will this thing serve me. As Terrific’s report becomes public, King’s writing dives headlong into this aspect of our culture as we see the news anchors of the DC Universe give their coverage of the report.
Strange Adventures #9 says a lot while also saying very little. To no surprise to anyone familiar with King’s writing, the reader is given no clear details of what is in the report. Much like the majority of people on DC Earth, we only learn what pundits, Alanna Strange, and the Justice League think of the document. Leaving us to follow the opinion we feel we can trust.
As with all of the other issues in this series, much of Strange Adventures #9’s story takes place in the past. This time we see Adam going behind enemy lines to help take out a Pykkt base. While I won’t spoil exactly what happens, I will say, as a factual thing, what happens is a definite no-no under the Geneva Conventions. Whether or not one can ever justify setting morality aside for the sake of victory is something the reader has to decide for themselves. Me personally, I tend to side with Supes on this one.
The other big noteworthy moment in Strange Adventures #9 comes during a confrontation between Strange and Batman. Again, no spoilers, but events occur that, given the history of the characters involved, seem fairly suspicious. I can’t help but wonder if something more is going on at that moment.
The art, both in the past as well as the present, continues to deliver the emotions of the story with the utmost skill. It says a lot when a book can have space battles, war crimes, and emotional confrontations, and yet the most striking visual moment for me is Gerads’ presentation of Mr. Terrific as he listens to Alanna’s statement concerning his report. Rarely has a human face, and the emotions behind it, been captured with such perfection and clarity.
Rounding out the presentations of the book is Cowles’ lettering. He continued to deliver the story with clarity and skill, allowing readers to follow with ease.
When all is said and done, Strange Adventures #9 continues to slowly unravel the narrative with skill, grace, and precision. It has been a long journey, and there is still a bit more to go, but if King and company can continue to deliver like this it will be worth every page.
Strange Adventures #9 is available now wherever comics are sold.
Strange Adventures #9
When all is said and done, Strange Adventures #9 continues to slowly unravel the narrative with skill, grace, and precision. It has been a long journey, and there is still a bit more to go, but if King and company can continue to deliver like this it will be worth every page.