Last time with the Detective Club, viewers met the pretty boys of the titular Pretty Boy Detective Club, a club filled with pretty boys who like solving mysteries. Their first mystery introduced Doujima Mayumi, a second-year middle school student who wishes to see a star she saw a decade ago. Yet, she needs a bit of help. Thankfully, she’s not alone. Now, we’re picking right back up where we left off in Pretty Boy Detective Club Episode 2.
As I mentioned in my premiere review, the first episode of Pretty Boy Detective Club was a multi-part episode. In this case, it has two parts. Episode 2, “The Dark Star that Shines for You Alone Part 2” is self-explanatory, continuing the events of the first episode. Mayumi is still in search of the star she glimpsed a decade ago. Even though her dreams might seem childish—and even though she kind of loathes her ambitions—the Pretty Boy Detective Club is more than ready to help her.
In fact, Sotoin—our grade 5, blue-haired Leader—more than eager to remind her that there’s still time to fulfill her wish. In fact, they have until the evening of Mayumi’s birthday, which is the sum total of the setting for Pretty Boy Detective Club Episode 2.
Most of Pretty Boy Detective Club Episode 2 is spent solving Mayumi’s problem. This gets interspersed with lush animation inside the club room, which is just the most extra place. However, I can’t think of another place for all the members of the detective club to meet. Of course, the way the members of the club wind their way to the answer is equally extra, making for yet another fun episode. However, there’s one thing that happens in Pretty Boy Detective Club Episode 2 that’s probably going to make some curious viewers drop this show.
You see, Nagahiro, our silver-haired, ponytailed, sporty club member is dating a girl. A young girl. A first-grader. And honestly, the reveal and ensuing scene made me hesitate as well. I understand that kids date, but, there’s something so distinctly ick about a middle schooler and a first-grader, even if it’s an arranged marriage. So much of it is the table setting, which is… not great in this episode. That’s probably because of some of the phrasing used to describe the relationship.
Pretty Boy Detective Club Episode 2 is, overall, a really good episode. It’s fun, it’s playful, and it’s just this side of wacky enough that I really like it. There’s still too much focus on Hyouta’s legs, which sometimes even get exaggerated when the camera feels like it. Additionally, the inclusion of one of the teenaged members dating a first-grader, even if it’s an arranged marriage situation, ain’t great either.
That being said, I still think there’s a lot of meat on the proverbial bone. This episode has big CLAMP School Detective energy, enough that I’m definitely in for the cour. But like I said in the previous review, I really hope the joke around Hyouta’s legs lightens up. It’s not funny, and it’s honestly one of the biggest negatives in this series. I know it can’t be helped because I’m almost 1000% sure that the gag is in the novels, though I haven’t read them yet.
Still, I do think Pretty Boy Detective Club is worth watching until at least episode 3, especially since Pretty Boy Detective Club Episode 2 isn’t the end of this multi-part opener, and might not be enough to really help viewers have a clear idea about what they’re getting into. Just know that there are some caveats, as there almost always are.
Pretty Boy Detective Club is now streaming on Funimation.
Pretty Boy Detective Club Episode 2
Still, I do think Pretty Boy Detective Club is worth watching until at least episode 3, especially since Pretty Boy Detective Club Episode 2 isn’t the end of this multi-part opener, and might not be enough to really help viewers have a clear idea about what they’re getting into. Just know that there are some caveats, as there almost always are.