Last time on Otherside Picnic, viewers stayed in the real world to fend off creepy crawlies instead of going to the Otherside. Sorawo and Toriko also took on yet another request from Seto Akari, a slightly hapless girl plagued by animal-themed mishaps. This time, the girls dealt with Sannuki Kano, an old woman on the hunt for teeth. However, Otherside Picnic Episode 10 seems to be a pleasant shift back to the Otherside.
Otherside Picnic Episode 10, “How to Get to the Barbeque Restaurant by Elevator,” kicks off with Sorawo getting invited to, well… Japanese-style barbeque. Naturally, it’s at Toriko’s behest, probably because she just wants something good to eat. Who can blame her? Japanese BBQ sounds great!
Still, not all is peaceful and easy. In fact, Sorawo’s got a lot on her mind. She’s still clearly reeling from the notion that she resembles Satsuki. It’s only reasonable, especially since Satsuki remains an ominous, mysterious figure in the series. One can only wonder if there actually is a connection between Sorawo and Satsuki. Time will tell.
Toriko is similarly plagued with worries, though hers are in reference to the events of episode 5 and episode 6. In those episodes, the girls plunged into the vicious nighttime of the Otherside, only to find estranged American soldiers at a place called February, or Kisaragi Station. Both Sorawo and Toriko want to save them. However, the method of how they’ll get to Kisaragi Station remains a mystery. However, there’s no time to ponder that problem -nor past= because as soon as the girls do, they get a call from Akari. It seems that she’s gotten on a mysterious elevator and can’t find the restaurant. It quickly becomes apparent that Akari has entered some sort of supernatural situation, unaware that the real Sorawo and Toriko… are still in our reality.
Otherside Picnic Episode 10 is classic Otherside Picnic goodness. We’re given a bit of netlore early in the episode, which becomes the vehicle for getting viewers into the Otherside. This time, it’s focused on elevator myths, which are always good fodder for a bit of creepy storytelling. Only this time, instead of Sorawo and Toriko traveling to the other realm together…. scaredy-cat Kozakura is coming along for the elevator ride as well.
Otherside Picnic Episode 10 is one part playful horror, one part comedy, all-around good. Seeing Kozakura in yet another netlore-laden situation is really, really enjoyable. Honestly, Kozakura kind of is the viewer’s proxy in Otherside Picnic. Sorawo and Toriko are accustomed to the weirdness of the Otherside, but Kozakura is never comfortable. I frequently found myself laughing in full agreement with her discomfort with any kind of supernatural situation.
Otherside Picnic Episode 10 was pretty solid. The action harkens back to earlier episodes in the cour, like episode 2 and episode 3, especially with the chase sequence featured in the back half of this episode. And while this is a slower episode that doesn’t grow the plot, I still found it very pleasant. Sometimes, it’s nice to just see the girls being girls. It’s even better when it’s an episodic trip to the Otherside.
That being said, some viewers might find this episode a bit boring ahead of the final two episodes of the series. Still, I think it’s important to go into Otherside Picnic Episode 10 with an open mind. After all, there’s lots of good foreshadowing here, for viewers who pay attention. Hopefully, those tidbits will pay off in episodes 11 and 12. Overall, the series remains really enjoyable. True, there have been a few slower episodes here and there. Yet thankfully, the majority of the series has been an enjoyable, playful, thrilling romp into the Otherside. There’s been loads of action, all alongside solid character development and lots of good comedic tidbits. With Otherside Picnic Episode 10, viewers get a hint at some pretty dynamic plot ahead in the final two episodes.
In the end, I highly suggest binging Otherside Picnic ahead of the final two episodes, especially if you’re still on the fence about catching it during the Winter 2021 season. I think it’s a solid show that has a lot of appeals, especially if you’re a Yuri fan like myself. While I can’t promise perfect, I can promise a pretty good time. So hey… give the Otherside a try!
Otherside Picnic is streaming now on Funimation.
Otherside Picnic Episode 10 - “How to Get to the Barbeque Restaurant by Elevator”
Overall, the series remains really enjoyable. True, there have been a few slower episodes here and there. Yet thankfully, the majority of the series has been an enjoyable, playful, thrilling romp into the Otherside. There’s been loads of action, all alongside solid character development and lots of good comedic tidbits. With Otherside Picnic Episode 10, viewers get a hint at some pretty dynamic plot ahead in the final two episodes.