Idoly Pride (stylized as IDOLY PRIDE) is a brand new Winter 2021 idol anime. The show combines idols with a touch of the supernatural to spin a pretty realistic story about idols trying to reach the top. Last episode finally delivered the debut viewers have been waiting for. Only it wasn’t a single performance by all of Hoshimi Production. Instead, sub-units Moon Tempest and Sunny Peace put on individual performances showcasing their personalities and unit motifs. Idoly Pride Episode 7, “Shining Smile”, picks up right after the girls’ debut with Sunny Peace on a radio show focused on idols.
It seems that both Moon Tempest and Sunny Peace have found a lot of success, rising through the ranks of idoldom very quickly. More than ever, the girls of Hoshimi Production are determined to seek out their dreams as top-tier idols. It truly seems that Moon Tempest and Sunny Peace can’t be stopped. However, their wins are starting to take a toll on some of the girls as exhaustion sets in in the wake of loads of success. The girls have been working overtime for a long time. They’ve put in hours of work, hours of training, and have sang their heart out. All this has helped them rise very quickly in the Venus Program.
It’s also helped them be ready for the Next Venus Grand Prix.
The Next Venus Grand Prix is the ultimate test for all idols under the Venus Program, especially newcomers. Winning the grand prix might solidify Moon Tempest and Sunny Peace as top=tier idols, just like Mana. Without hesitation, both Moon Tempest and Sunny Peace decide to enter the competition, all in hopes of meeting at the top where they’ll inevitably compete against one another.
Still, the girls have been working really hard to get to this level. They deserve a lot of credit, and maybe… a treat. So, Kouhei, being a good manager, gives all of the girls a day off from practice and idol duty. Coincidentally, it appears to be summer vacation: the perfect time for a nice break!
Thus kicks off Idoly Pride Episode 7, which is admittedly a rather low-stakes, peaceful episode. It’s definitely deserved after all the hard work the girls have put in on building up their image as idols. Idoly Pride Episode 7 really treats the girls too, especially since its summer time. Half of the girls don swimsuits and frolic in an inflatable pool. A few head into town and do some shopping. They snack and share cold noodles for lunch and just… have a heck of a lot of fun.
Compared to the previous episode, Idoly Pride Episode 7 is much more relaxed. Still, there’s still a lot of good energy in this episode. In fact, Idoly Pride Episode 7 feels incredibly celebratory. It’s nice seeing the girls, who viewers have come to know quite well, just… playing around. It’s even more pleasant to see how far their friendships have come since episode 1.
Honestly, this episode was just really, really nice to watch. I don’t have a lot to say other than I enjoyed it. It’s nice seeing the girls simply being high schoolers. Moreover, it’s nice seeing them laugh and care about each other. I think I just really, really like the entire cast of Idoly Pride.
In the end, Idoly Pride Episode 7’s peaceful antics bridges us into the next arc. Soon, viewers will witness Moon Tempest and Sunny Peace’s trials in the Next Venus Grand Prix. I imagine that episode 8 will drop us right into the contest with new music and dances, especially since the season’s almost to its end. There’s not much time left to piddle around, especially now that there’s solid momentum. Whatever we viewers get in episode 8, I feel quite confident that Idoly Pride will continue to impress me to the very end.
Idoly Pride is now streaming on Funimation.
Idoly Pride Episode 7 - "Shining Smile"
In the end, Idoly Pride Episode 7’s peaceful antics bridges us into the next arc. Soon, viewers will witness Moon Tempest and Sunny Peace’s trials in the Next Venus Grand Prix. I imagine that episode 8 will drop us right into the contest with new music and dances, especially since the season’s almost to its end. There’s not much time left to piddle around, especially now that there’s solid momentum. Whatever we viewers get in episode 8, I feel quite confident that Idoly Pride will continue to impress me to the very end.