Noblesse felt like a different show this week, beginning a flashback that starts to give context to the duo that was supposed to be the focus of the anime. The duo in question is that of Raizel and his servant, Frankenstein. Raizel is a noble who has just awoken after an 800 year-long sleep. He enjoys learning about the progress of humanity and enrolls in the high school Frankenstein runs. Along the way, they befriend humans who have been modified by a corporation called The Union. The Crunchyroll Original anime from Production I.G. is based on a webtoon of the same name. This week Noblesse Episode 8 focuses more on the noble’s side of events.
Regis’ grandfather and clan leader, Gejutel, shows up at the high school suddenly. He accuses Regis and Seira of not reporting back even though they knew Raizel’s whereabouts. This prompts Frankenstein to step in, revealing that the two have a history. The majority of the episode consists of exposition and an introduction to the nobles and their hierarchal system. The current leader believes Raizel betrayed them. Once again, a very compelling element to an uninteresting main character, if only the show had introduced any of this sooner.
The flashback in Noblesse Episode 8 is very interesting. It allows viewers to see predecessors of current clan leaders and expands a bit more on the lore of the “soul weapon” Seira carries (turns out she is a clan leader). Speaking of Seira, I cannot be the only one who thought she and Regis were siblings until this week. The internal story of the flashback focuses on Frankenstein, who was known as a Noble Hunter. He is human, but the nobles are perplexed that he has acquired superhuman abilities. He is a drastically different character from the one we see doting on Raizel in the present. It is a fascinating contrast, furthered by his belief that nobles are abusing their power. Unfortunately, the episode ends in a flashback, meaning this story isn’t going to be self-contained in one episode. Noblesse is slated for 13 episodes, and it is running out of time. The show consistently jumps between the poles of cramming too much in an episode, or stretching the plot out among multiple.
The animation in the fight sequence is average in Noblesse Episode 8. The problem with most of the fights in this show is that they stop right when they are about to get good, in favor of characters talking. Hopefully, that shifts. The 2016 OVA has proven that this show is capable of executing what it needs to well, but the anime just can’t seem to get back on that same level.
Noblesse Episode 8 feels like a completely different show 90% of the time due to the flashback. A more serious tone throughout makes it rather interesting. Especially since viewers get to see a very different Frankenstein. However, the decision to stretch the flashback out and not end it this episode is frustrating. That seems to be a theme if you (like me) were rooting for this show: frustrated.
Noblesse is streaming now on Crunchyroll.
Noblesse Episode 8 - "Frankenstein/First Contact"
Noblesse Episode 8 feels like a completely different show 90% of the time due to the flashback. A more serious tone throughout makes it rather interesting. Especially since viewers get to see a very different Frankenstein. However, the decision to stretch the flashback out and not end it this episode is frustrating. That seems to be a theme if you (like me) were rooting for this show: frustrated.