Fantastic Four: Antithesis #2, written by Mark Waid, penciled by Neal Adams, inked by Mark Farmer, and colored by Laura Martin. It is published by Marvel Comics. Picking up where the first issue left off, the Silver Surfer tells the Fantastic Four that a horrific being named Antithesis attacked Galactus and flung his human self into the Negative Zone. The Four travel into the Zone in order to save Galactus, but find themselves running afoul of Annihilus.
This issue seamlessly continues the story from its previous installment, while also introducing a new threat. Galactus is terrifying enough, but something powerful enough to kill him means trouble for the whole universe. It also helps that the issue is packed with plenty of action and rarely has a dull moment. I feel like this should have been the first issue, as it properly sets up and showcases the threat of Antithesis.
Once again, Adams excels at the illustrated portions of the issue. His art has always felt larger than life, and that’s what a team like the Fantastic Four needs. Galactus and Antithesis in particular feel like the immensely powerful beings that they are. The very first page features Galactus hovering in the middle of space; he nearly dwarfs the entire page, his purple and blue armor instantly standing out. Antithesis lives up to his name as he is literally the opposite of Galactus. His armor is a sickly acidic green, and his mouth is locked in a fanged grimace. It’s the stuff of nightmares.
Adams also brings a human element to other characters, especially the Silver Surfer. The Surfer, in particular, has never looked or felt more human. Most artists tend to draw him with blank white eyes; Adams reverses this trend and shows his pupils, which helps to humanize him. Martin continues this trend further, coloring them ocean blue. The Surfer has always been defined by his compassion and the artists manage to show that compassion with this small yet important detail.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention Waid’s scripting. He continues to show that he has a solid grasp on the Four and their team dynamic. Waid also manages to put them in general peril during the Negative Zone sequence. The team is literally going into a hellish antimatter universe to rescue a being who is responsible for the destruction of worlds. And to make matters worse, that universe is ruled by a superpowered despot! Waid manages to find new ways to test the Four, including hints that things may not be all they seem with Reed Richards.
Fantastic Four: Antithesis #2 features larger-than-life action and mind-melting images while bringing the First Family’s newest nemesis to life. The miniseries is officially at the halfway point, and it’s showing no signs of stopping. And from the looks of the next issue’s cover, it seems like the Four are in for another big twist in their lives.
Fantastic Four: Antithesis #2 is available wherever comics are sold.
Fantastic Four: Antithesis #2
Fantastic Four: Antithesis #2 features larger-than-life action and mind-melting images while bringing the First Family’s newest nemesis to life. The miniseries is officially at the halfway point, and it’s showing no signs of stopping. And from the looks of the next issue’s cover, it seems like the Four are in for another big twist in their lives.