The Crunchyroll Original anime The God of High School is one of the most exciting anime series out this season. Based on the WEBTOON of the same name by Yongje Park, the series follows Jin Mori (Robbie Daymond) and his two friends Yoo Mira (Veronica Talyor) and Han Daewi (Sean Chiplock) as they compete together in “The God of High School” tournament. After progressing through the Seoul tournament, they represent their region and take on not only opponents aiming to win their greatest wish but also the secret organization Nox. Through it all, we get to each of the three main protagonists to shine and come into their strengths.
For Mira, the inheritor of the Moon Light Style technique of swordsmanship, that comes by confronting the patriarchal system that pushes her to believe in marriage is the only way to save he family’s dojo and their technique. While we get to see her push past this in The God of High School episode 4, we also get to see her great physical strength. Which only becomes more apparent as the season continues. To have such a powerful female character at the center of a shonen-type anime is something we don’t get to see much, specifically when they’re not defined by the men around them.
We got the chance to speak with Veronica Taylor, the voice actress behind Mira in the English dub of the series. We got to speak about how it feels to voice a character like Mira and what she’s excited for in the series. Taylor has voiced a variety of animated characters in anime, gaming, and more. You can hear her as Manuela in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Tokio in Rilakkuma to Kaorusan, Ash Ketchum in Pokemon (1997-2005), Sailor Pluto in Sailor Moon Crystal and so much more.
But Why Tho: What attracted you to The God of High School and Yoo Mira specifically?
Veronica Taylor: I was so lucky to have an opportunity to audition for this show! The animation, the storylines, the relationships between the characters, the competition…I love it all!
But Why Tho: How does your portrayal of Mira differ from characters you’ve voiced in the past?
Veronica Taylor: Mira is a multifaceted character. She is meek and shy one minute, outspoken and opinionated the next. She is a strong young woman driven by her heritage to succeed. She discovers her inner strength and shows the world her physical strength. Playing Mira allows me, as an actor, to explore all of her many, delightful dimensions.
But Why Tho: There aren’t too many women in shonen who fight up close or at all, and hold their own. How does it feel to bring to life such a powerful and skilled character?
Veronica Taylor: It is really an honor to give voice to a character whom many underestimate based purely on physical characteristics. My training in stage combat certainly helps me play the fight scenes. I also like that for Mira, the fighting is not gratuitous. It is part of her destiny.
But Why Tho: What is one thing you want people to take away from your portrayal as Mira, and her character in general?
Veronica Taylor: Mira is figuring out who she is as we are getting to know her. This exploration is simultaneous. She, like all of us, is an incredibly complex person capable of so much more than she gives herself credit. We will all know more about ourselves through her journey. Plus, she’s super fun, intense, and definitely someone you want on your side!
But Why Tho: What has been your favorite scene or episode to voice so far?
Veronica Taylor: I love the moment in the first episode where Mira is riding on the shoulders of Mori while they bike down the highway. You’ll have to watch!
With such a long history in animation and beyond, it’s exciting that Taylor gets the chance to bring her experience and skill to Crunchyroll’s The God of High School. With more episodes to come, and more powerful moments for dub watchers to experience, the path is bright for Mira and Veronic Taylor both.
The God of High School English dubbed episode premiere every Monday afternoon.