Crunchyroll Original The God of High School is the anime adaptation of the WEBTOONS comic by Yonje Park of the same name. In the anime, we follow Jin Mori and his two friends Yoo Mira and Han Daewi as they compete to win the titular “God of High School” tournament in Seoul. Winners of their region, the three friends are now fighting as a team to beat the other finalists in different regions. But while this is happening, a secret society is rising in the background. In episode 7, Nox took center stage as we got the chance to finally see their power but, the commissioners rose to meet them. While the charyeok in the last episode were visually on display, The God of High School Episode 8, “close/friend” dives into what these energy manifestations really are.
Last episode ended with Taek Jegal using his vicious shark charyeok to singlehandedly defeat his opponents in his match. The sheer brutality of Taek’s attack led Daewi to intervene leading to his suspension. The God of High School Episode 8 spends a lot of its time responding to the events of the last episode and that’s in no way a bad thing. While we do get to see a new match, between the team led by Park Ilpyo, a participant considered a top Key candidate and the team led by Gwim Gi.
The action this episode serves to drive the main elements of the story bringing all story roads back to Jin Mori. In the featured match, we again see the use of terrifying charyeok, with Gwim Gi calling forth his Jack the Ripper. But somehow, Ilpyo’s antiquated taekkyon fighting style rather than relying on charyeok seems to be formidable enough.
Having not used their charyeok, or even achieved the ability to manifest them, Mira, Mori, and Daewi all approach the next phase of their training in different ways. While Mira and Daewi look to get stronger and unlock their charyeok, Mori rebukes it. While this adds a complication to their strategy as a team, it also showcases who they are as characters. Mira refines herself to her dojo. Daewi seeks help from a commissioner. And Mori, well, he turns inwards. But one of the best things about this episode is the way we get to see Daewi showcasing his growth as a tsundere-type character and leaning into his friendship and competitive rivalry with Mori. While the time we spend with Daewi is brief, it has impact on the story, building out his friendships which is important for a stoic character.
That said, The God of High School Episode 8 is also the first time we get to see more into Mori’s past, his relationship with his grandfather, and how martial arts is going to connect him to other characters of the series, specifically the new and slightly mysterious Ilpyo. While Nox seems to be closing in on the commissioners and the tournament itself, this episode takes a lot of time to set up relationships between characters, establish backgrounds for some, and hint at enough future conflict without diving into it to keep every viewer involved from start to finish.
By the end of The God of High School Episode 8, viewers will be on the edge of their seats for the fights to come, for the reveals that are brewing, and for the trio to realize how to manifest their charyeok. There is a lot to be excited for, and with charismatic new characters like Ilpyo and Taek there to stir the pot the future is looking bright for the God of High School.
The God of High School airs news episodes of the English subbed anime every Monday on Crunchyroll, with English dubs beginning release today.
The God of High School, Episode 8 - "close/friend"
By the end of The God of High School Episode 8, viewers will be on the edge of their seats for the fights to come, for the reveals that are brewing, and for the trio to realize how to manifest their charyeok. There is a lot to be excited for, and with charismatic new characters like Ilpyo and Taek there to stir the pot the future is looking bright for the God of High School.