Batman/Superman #1 is published by DC Comics, written by Joshua Williamson, art by David Marquez, colors by Alejandro Sanchez, and letters by John J. Hill. When The Batman Who Laughs kidnaps a child, Batman calls on Superman’s help to rescue the boy before it’s too late. But, the duo quickly discovers there is even more at stake than an innocent boy’s life. The world’s finest are going to need to live up to their name if they hope to survive.
Batman/Superman #1 opens with a quick explanation of The Batman Who Laughs for anyone who might need it. As one of those people who missed the hype, it was greatly appreciated. This sequence also excellently sets the tone and stakes of the series. It brings a horror element to the book I am not accustomed to seeing Superman confront. It also establishes just how much damage The Batman Who Laughs can do to the DC Universe if left unstopped.
After exposing the reader to just what The Batman Who Laughs can do, Batman/Superman #1 brings us to a rooftop meeting between our titular heroes and Jim Gordon. Gordon fills Superman and Batman in on the kidnapping and The Batman Who Laughs involvement. As this is the first time in the story our protagonists are together, it is our first reminder of what makes them so great and how much their differences bring out the best in both of them.
It is a rare treat to find a character interaction that seems incapable of becoming old, or played out. Batman/Superman #1 wastes no time in reminding the reader that the dynamic between Bruce and Clark is one such interaction. It is so familiar I feel like I already know every pessimistic counter Bruce will give to Clark’s unwavering optimism. And I love it. They are the world’s finest odd couple; the best comic book representation of yin and yang one could ever hope to create. And while I’m usually just “fine” with each individually, they become worlds better when mixed together.
I’ve always found the art in these classic team up stories to be the biggest challenge. These characters come from such different worlds that it can be easy to lose the feeling of one when they are plunged into the setting of the other. This is avoided skillfully by Marquez in Batman/Superman #1. Clark stands out against the claustrophobic darkness of Gotham’s back alleys. Allowing him to feel both alien and unnaturally at home beside his stealthy comrade. Marquez shows that he clearly understands these two iconic characters as his art lets both shine.
A big cliffhanger ending I did not expect finishes off Batman/Superman #1 in the best way it could. I have nothing but high expectations for this book going forward and cannot wait to get my hands on issue two. If you are a fan of these two comic book icons, you should definitely make a point to grab Batman/Superman #1 at your local comic book store.
Batman/Superman #1 is available now.
Batman/Superman #1
If you are a fan of these two comic book icons, you should definitely make a point to grab Batman/Superman #1 at your local comic book store.