The Power Rangers comics at BOOM! Studios have helped breath new life into the franchise and given it new depth in the process. Currently, there are two Power Rangers titles; the main Mighty Morphin Power Rangers title and Go Go Power Rangers, co-written by Ryan Parrott, Sina Grace and illustrated by Francesco Mortarino. I had the chance to speak with Grace at the Boom Studios booth about Go Go Power Rangers, the fallout of Shattered Grid, and where the Power Rangers franchise will go from here.
But Why Tho: How did you come to co-write Go Go Power Rangers with Ryan Parrott?
Sina Grace: I think it’s been stated over and over again that I’m a Power Rangers fan. I had been trying to land a gig that was longer than a cover or a short story because I did a variant for issue one of MMPR and I did a short story for the anniversary special and basically Ryan reached a point where he was like, “I am writing three Power Ranger books, I need help.” So our editor Dafna thought maybe I would be a good fit and I had to do some audition pages. And yeah, now, luckily-I like to say I’m the Saba to Ryan’s White Ranger!
But Why Tho: That is an awesome description man! Necessary Evil takes place after Shattered Grid where Lord Drakkon broke the universe, and we see in MMPR #40 and Go Go #21 that even though the Rangers managed to correct this, there are some slight…differences in the timeline.
Sina Grace: It’s exciting because I think this is the first time Go Go has been affected by something else that’s been created in the comics…I don’t know how to put that, but there are ripples. There are aftershocks. And we’re having a lot of fun playing with readers’ expectations and also giving them something that will really surprise them but will still stick to the history of Power Rangers. I can’t say too much. What’s great is that instead of looking at it as a retcon, we’re looking at it as another layer to this larger tapestry, and that’s what’s been really really fun. With Go Go it’s the emotional side of things, so we get to see how these characters may or may not internalize what’s been going on.
But Why Tho: Go Go usually takes place early on in the Rangers’ careers and now we’ve skipped to the point where Tommy is part of the team. How’s it been writing that dynamic?
Grace: What’s funny is that Tommy is such a massive presence in any story he’s a part of and everyone loves him. I think for Ryan and myself, we try not to make it “Now Tommy’s here. What’s Tommy thinking?” but more “What are these five kids thinking about Tommy?” Because I think if you rewatch those episodes, he’s very much brought into the fold and taken in as part of their family. We really kind of get to look around the corners and have some fun with it, and it’s still anchored by the perspective of the original five.
But Why Tho: I know this might sound like a tough question but is there a favorite Ranger or character you like to write?
Grace: That I like to write? I actually…it’s really weird because I’ve always like, loved Trini, and I’ve loved the Yellow Ranger, I’ve loved the Saber-Toothed Tiger as a Zord, I loved her helmet…I was always drawn to that character but never was Trini like, my favorite growing up…you always go to Tommy or whoever has the coolest weapons. And now, getting to write her, I really really like her. And not this issue, but the next one…Go Go #22 and 23, I get to really go into her brain and try to give her some meat that might have not been there before.
She’s kind of turned into someone I really love writing, and that has a lot to do with Ryan kind of putting her more front and center and giving her this really lovely relationship with Jason that I find to be so subtle and so true to what was already happening…Trini ended up being the biggest surprise of them all. And I think Zack and Kim are great because even if they’re going through some heavy stuff, they’ll just bring a little levity to the scene. You’re writing all your best friends!
But Why Tho: Power Rangers always stood out to me because of all the different Rangers who came from different ethnicities and different parts of the world. Do you ever think we’ll see a Ranger on the LGBTQ spectrum, specifically in the comics?
Sina Grace: That is above my pay grade…I’m dealing with Hasbro and Boom and Ryan’s the captain of the ship, but what I can say at the end of the day right now is that…Hasbro, for all intents and purposes, has been the kind of company where the door is open to ideas, I think that’s why “Shattered Grid” took off the way it did-although I think that probably happened before Hasbro, but their willingness to continue exploring “Shattered Grid” is a really great example of how they see a triple up effect from the comic books…Right now I’m focusing on the story that’s already been laid out, and at the end of the day, I think what makes Power Rangers work and the things that make them emblematic of inclusion and diversity, it’s all been very organic. So if it happens it’ll be organic, and it’s going to really fit with the story. Anything’s possible!
But Why Tho: Do you have any favorite part of your first issue?
Grace: I really loved the date scene with Tommy and Kimberly. We had to do a few passes just because that issue changed shape, but one of the lines that kind of stuck through every draft is Kim saying “That’s not how a building would explode.” And that was kind of my favorite moment because it’s such a great way to have these two bond with each other, in a manner that’s so specific to being two teenagers saving the world day in, day out. I love those little character moments, that’s what makes Go Go my special place…that’s one’s my favorite little moment in that issue.
Go Go Power Rangers #21 is available wherever comics are sold.