Powerhouse Animation
Netflix Original, ‘Castlevania’ Season 3 from Powerhouse Animation offers up sex, blood, magic, and a whole lot of night creatures.
Netflix Original Seis Manos is deeply inspired by Mexploitation and Kung Fu cinema, here are seis films from the grindhouse to watch after.
Seis Manos is the first Mexican-centered anime and it tells its story by blending two genres that are old friends: Exploitation and Kung fu.
Seis Manos is grindhouse, Kung Fu, and magic all rolled into one and it’s all built on a solid foundation of Mexican folk religion.
Seis Manos blends anime, Mexico, exploitation cinema, and kung-fu. This week we got to talk with co-creator Alvaro Rodriguez.
Castlevania sex scenes are narrative elements that come into play for character arcs instead as only fanservice unlike other adult animation.