How ‘Seis Manos’ Uses Mexican Folk ReligionBy Kate Sánchez10/06/2019Updated:04/11/2023 Seis Manos is grindhouse, Kung Fu, and magic all rolled into one and it’s all built on a solid foundation of Mexican folk religion.
INTERIEW: ‘Seis Manos,’ Representation, and Animation with Alvaro RodriguezBy Kate Sánchez09/25/2019Updated:11/06/2021 Seis Manos blends anime, Mexico, exploitation cinema, and kung-fu. This week we got to talk with co-creator Alvaro Rodriguez.
Features Let’s Talk About Sex Scenes — In CastlevaniaBy Kate Sánchez05/05/2021Updated:02/10/2025 Castlevania sex scenes are narrative elements that come into play for character arcs instead as only fanservice unlike other adult animation.
Features Olrox In Castlevania: Nocturne Is A Masterclass In AdaptationBy Kate Sánchez01/16/2025Updated:02/16/2025 The Aztec vampire Olrox is the best of Castlevania: Nocturne’s adaptations from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
Features Everything To Know About Castlevania: Nocturne’s Youngest CharacterBy Kate Sánchez01/16/2025Updated:02/16/2025 Here’s everything to know about Netflix Animation’s Castlevania: Nocturne’s youngest main character, Maria Renard.