Blue Flag
Blue Flag Volume 6 is a romance drama manga written and illustrated by mangaka KAITO and published in the United States by VIZ Media
‘Blue Flag’, Volume 5, is a romance drama manga written and illustrated by mangaka KAITO and The English-release of the manga is published by VIZ Media.
Looking for new manga to read? Why not try a new genre? Here are six BL manga series to add to your manga/webcomic reading list.
Blue Flag Volume 4, is a romance drama manga illustrated and written by mangaka KAITO and published by VIZ Media, and available on the Shonen Jump App.
Blue Flag Volume 3, is a romance drama manga written and illustrated KAITO and published by VIZ Media. Four teenagers caught in a love quadrangle.
Blue Flag Volume 2, is a romantic drama manga written and illustrated by mangaka KAITO and published by VIZ Media that tells the story of teenage friends
‘Blue Flag Volume 1’ is a romantic drama manga from VIZ Media tells the story of high school friends trying to understand love.