Titans: Beast War World Tour – Central City #1 changes up the anthology format, making the individual stories pieces of a much larger puzzle.
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #13 brings the younger Spider-Man into Gang War as he heads into Brooklyn to fight his own battles.
Gang War: Daredevil #1 takes the Gang War crossover to Hell’s Kitchen, where Elektra must protect her turf from newcomers.
Punisher #2 is an excellent action comic, pitting the new vigilante against a team of super villains and giving him a real test.
The Devil that Wears My Face #3 puts the priest and the demon in the same building, leading to a powerful confrontation.
Batman: City of Madness #2 is almost indescribable, as Christian Ward’s personal masterpiece reveals the secret city under Gotham.
Batman/Santa Claus: Silent Knight #2 shows more off the history between Santa and Krampus, whilst also bringing in more heroes.
Outsiders #2 explores more of the DC Universe, venturing down to the bottom of the ocean for monsters that would terrify Lovecraft.
Titans: Beast War World Tour – Gotham #1 is the next part of the tie-in series, exploring how the vigilantes of Gotham cope with the beasts.
Titans: Beast World #2 is the next chapter of the event. The citizens of Earth are beginning to transform as the heroes return to the planet.
Uncanny X-Men Issue 10 forces the younger heroes to fight to survive, because the older X-Men aren’t coming to save them.